Love Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy
scheme has not yet been announced. The original suspect, Mr. Aiden O'Connell, the son of the owner, was set free after being falsely accused and imprisoned for the crime. This is Rhonda Chimes reporting for Fox News."
    I look at him; I decide not to say anything. I rest my head back down on the cushions and enjoy my foot massage.
    "Time to cook dinner, I think," he says out of the blue, disturbing me from my relaxed state.
    "What do you feel like?" I take my tired feet off his lap to get up.
    "No, you lie here and relax, and I'll cook for us tonight."
    "Sounds good to me." I sprawl out on the sofa.
    He walks to the kitchen.
    I wake to him gently kissing me on my lips.
    "Wake up, dinner's ready."
    I take a deep breath and sit up on the sofa. He walks toward the kitchen. Standing up, I walk into the dining area where I see a vase of flowers on the table.
    "And, what are these for?" I ask him as he brings in our plates of food.
    "When I was ... away, I missed a few bunches of flowers, so you get a make up bunch."
    I shake my head. "They're beautiful, thank you. The food smells great, and this looks amazing."
    He laughs at my use of our word amazing. Our meal is chicken breast wrapped in prosciutto with a creamy white wine sauce, garlic mashed potato, and broccolini."
    He pours us both a glass of wine.
    "That was amazing." I laugh at my overuse of that word again.
    "Thanks, thought you would like it."
    "You should cook every night."
    "I can if you want me too. I honestly don't mind."
    "Are you saying that because my cooking sucks?"
    "Umm, no, maybe ... yeah," he says with a grin. "You do use the smoke detector as a guide when you're cooking steak."
    "Shut up, it's not that bad." I say, laughing. "Fine, you can cook."
    "Fine, I will," he says, mocking me, making me laugh.
    We finish our wine and head to the living room. I sink into the sofa and he starts to massage my feet again. While he's channel surfing, my cell phone rings, startling me.
    I jump up and race to the phone in the bedroom. I pull it out of my bag, and without checking who it is, I answer.
    "Hey, Jen Pen, just checking in. How's things?"
    "Hey, Sez, things are good, really good. Went back to work today."
    "Cool, how did that go?"
    "Aiden got promoted to vice president."
    "That's great. Sooo, Chris is practically living here, and I was wondering, would it be okay with you if I asked him to move in?"
    "Sarah, it's your house and your boyfriend. If you want him to move in, you don't have to ask me."
    "I know, but I wanted to make sure you were fine with it, 'cause, you know, you still have a room here if you ever need it. I mean, some of your stuff is still here. It's still as much your house as it's mine, you know what I mean?"
    "I know what you mean. He was practically moved in when I was living there; why not make it official." I hear her exhale on the other end. "Are you alright, Sarah?"
    "Yeah, it's a big step, you know. I haven't had a live-in boyfriend before, and it's kind of scary."
    "Sarah Carlisle, you're a grown woman, and he practically lives there anyway. How will it be any different?"
    "Yeah, you're right."
    "Do what you feel is right, Sez. If you think it's too soon for him to move in, then don't ask him, but if you're ready for a commitment, which I know is what you've been waiting for, then do it."
    "I knew I could count on you to bring some sense to it, thank you. Say hi to Aiden for me. I have to go tell my boyfriend he can move in."
    "You go, girl. And tell Chris I said hi."
    "Will do, thank you, love you."
    "Love you too."
    I hang up my cell and make my way back into the living room, where he is chuckling at something on the TV. "Sarah's asking Chris to move in with her."
    "That's great news."
    I sit back down on the sofa, and this time I cuddle into him, feeling slightly emotional. I'm so grateful to have him in my life.
    "You're very cuddly this morning."
    I start to wonder why I'm feeling extra cuddly today. My emotions seem to

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