Love’s Bounty

Love’s Bounty by Nina Pierce

Book: Love’s Bounty by Nina Pierce Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nina Pierce
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Boston area six months ago. It had been quite a sting, but Ayden hadn’t been part of that operation.
    He was here and playing the game. No one ever mentioned specific drugs during the negotiations.
    “I’m interested in expanding not only my customer base in those cities, but my product line as well.”
    “I see. And you think I can help you in both those areas?”
    “As you said, we’re both businessmen, Jameson. I’ve done my research as well. Rob assured me we had the right guy to fit our needs.”
    Rob shrunk in his chair at Jameson’s withering stare.
    “But if our information is wrong. Well, then, we won’t take any more of your time.” Ayden called his bluff and started to stand.
    Jameson laughed. “ Touché , Shaeffer. Nice volley.”
    The knot in Ayden’s stomach released its grip. He’d cleared the first hurdle.
    * * * *
    Deirdre had sent Rachel to work on the gardens with the students.
    “Hand me the three-quarter-inch ratchet.” She held her hand out to Mark. Like a precision surgical team, they were working on the motor of the wood chipper that had given out.
    She’d tinkered with the motor in the driveway until she realized it would take more than a swift kick at the drive train to get it started again. Deirdre had finally relented and backed the rusty old piece of crap into Jameson’s huge garage. Of course, she had to move out of the way for the two vehicles squealing their way off the property. Stupid, rich idiots always thought they had the right of way.
    She’d stared at the Jag still parked in the dooryard, attempting not to think about Austin or why he was here. But truthfully, thoughts of him were the only thing churning her brain and roiling her stomach. He was making it hard for her to concentrate on the task at hand.
    “Deirdre, I thought I saw you come in here.”
    The sound of Shawn’s voice echoing through the stillness startled her. She jumped, coming up hard on the flange of the chipper.
    “Shit.” She had the grace to blush as she looked up at the two men working unsuccessfully to stifle their amusement. “Shawn. Hope you don’t mind. You said we could store our equipment in the garage. We have a small maintenance issue with the wood chipper, and I needed to park it in here to fix it.” The words fell out of Deirdre’s mouth in a staccato burst of noise.
    Both men’s gaze glided down the length of her, blazing a hot trail. Their eyes settled momentarily on her heaving chest before lifting back to her face. She felt very exposed. How stupid of her not to throw her T-shirt back on over the damp tank top.
    “Not a problem. You all right?” Stepping forward, Shawn’s fingers replaced hers, rubbing through her hair. “Oh, you already have a lump. Let me get you some ice.”
    She moved away from him. He’d actually found the spot where she’d hit her head on Saturday. “No, I’m fine. Happens all the time.” Her gaze skittered to Austin, then back at Shawn.
    “Oh, forgive me. Austin Shaeffer, my business associate, meet Deirdre Tilling, landscaper extraordinaire and…” He stretched his hand out to Mark.
    “Mark Pearson.”
    How foolish of her. She’d forgotten Mark was even there. “Mark Pearson is the coordinator for kids at risk at the Delmont High School . The three young men you’ve seen working with us are in his program.”
    She had never known Mark to be intimidated by anyone, but he stepped forward with an awkward hesitancy and a tremulous smile as they all shook hands.
    “I just walked Austin down the length of the driveway. The trees are really shaping up. I didn’t realize how badly they needed work until I saw what an artist you are with that chain saw. I’ve been watching you climbing all morning,” Shawn said as he flashed a killer smile. “It’s amazing the way you move. I have to admit, my heart was in my throat as you jumped through the limbs with all that heavy equipment. You’re not afraid?”
    “Not much scares this one.” Mark

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