Love's Sweet Surrender

Love's Sweet Surrender by Sandy Sullivan

Book: Love's Sweet Surrender by Sandy Sullivan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandy Sullivan
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Western
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with a shaky breath looked up into the deepest, bluest eyes she’d ever seen. Sapphires. They are the color of sapphires.
    “Sorry, ma’am,” Carl said, tying his horse to the rail. “I didn’t mean no harm, Seth.”
    “Well, next time, be more careful, will you?” Seth’s angry glare while he reprimanded the man riding the horse was obvious to her even in her stunned state of mind. “It was hard enough finding this one. We don’t need to be looking for a new one so soon."
    His gaze met hers, sending her heart to her toes.
    “Thank you,” she whispered, and then swallowed, trying desperately to coat her parched throat. Stepping back, she looked down at her dress and brushed some of the dirt from her skirt.
    “You’re welcome, ma’am.” His gaze skimmed over her, warming her flesh with his look. “Are you all right?”
    “Yes, I’m fine.” Her voice warbled just a little as a tremor rippled through her. “Just a bit shaken up, that’s all. How can I thank you?”
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    Love’s Sweet Surrender
    She looked back at the man and noticed how he had somehow lost his hat. His blond hair curled against the dark fabric of the shirt he wore. Her fingers itched to feel the texture of those curls before his voice pulled her out of the fog that had encompassed her brain.
    “No thanks needed, ma’am.” Seth picked up his hat and started back to his wagon.
    “Wait!” She turned to follow as he made his way toward the wagon.
    He turned at the sound of her voice. “Yes?”
    “At least let me introduce myself,” she said, stumbling over her words.
    “I’m Lily Backman.”
    “Yes, I know.” Seth turned his back to her, pulled his lean body into the front of the wagon and settled into the seat.
    “And you are?” she asked, hoping he would take the hint and introduce himself.
    “Seth Sanford, ma’am. I believe you have my three children in your class.” He bent down and grabbed the brake, releasing the wagon wheels.
    “Oh yes, Johnny, Jarod and Anne. They appear to be very well-mannered children.”
    “Thank you. Their momma did a good job with them. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to get home to get them ready for school.” Seth snapped the reins, and the wagon jerked forward.
    Lily stood in stunned silence as she watched the wagon pull away from her and head out of town. Not sure what to make of Seth Sanford, she picked up the basket she'd been carrying when the horse scared her, and she headed back toward the school. She had plenty to do without thinking about him and how nice it had felt being held against his chest. It was just because I was startled, that’s all.
    Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she approached the school and stepped inside. There were lessons to prepare, and she had the daunting task of separating the children into groups according to their learning abilities and their ages today. She had hoped to be able to spend some one-on-one time with Anne, but it didn’t appear that was going to happen in the next few days. She needed to get the children on a schedule and figure out how to incorporate some games into their learning to keep their attention. Not having much time to prove her worth to the people of Parkville, she would have to create some vast improvements in the structure of the curriculum. It Ebook piracy is stealing. It is a federal offense.
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    Sandy Sullivan
    was a daunting task, to say the least, but she felt exhilarated just thinking about it.

    * * * *

    Seth woke early the next day to a cloudy, almost rainy, morning. When he headed out to the barn to saddle his horse, the sight of the woman with her big green eyes floated in front of him. Trying to block the memory of her against his chest, he wiped his hand over his eyes.
    Damn, it has been too long since I have been with a woman, that’s all .

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