Luck of the Irish
him, then swung a leg over the other man’s hips so they could press together from chest to knees. Cian’s chest was hot under Quinn’s fingers, and he couldn’t help but explore the muscles there, trailing his fingers down gently as he leaned in to lick up Cian’s neck and then place gentle kisses across his jaw.
Cian gave a pained groan before pulling away slightly. “Darlin’, you don’t have to do this.”
Quinn curled a hand around the back of Cian’s neck and pulled him in for a kiss that was a little more forceful. When they parted for air, Quinn whimpered.
    “I want do this, Cian. I want to feel you against me, to touch you. I want to let you make me fall apart, and I’ll know I’m safe with you.” He looked away for a second. When he turned back to that captivating blue gaze, there was determination on his face.
    “I’ve never been with anyone but David, and at the time, I didn’t think it could get any better, with anyone.” He reached up a hand to touch Cian’s face, the other on Cian’s chest over his heart, feeling his pulse speed up at Quinn’s words. “I think I was wrong.”
IAN looked down into that earnest face, and the want and need shining out of those dark eyes really drew him in with their honesty.
    Quinn was scared and unsure, but he was offering himself and asking for something in return. Cian once heard someone say courage wasn’t the absence of fear, it was continuing on in spite of it.
    Quinn trusted Cian not to hurt him, and that was more than he could resist. He would make it good for Quinn, take care of him and his heart, and they would both make the most of these days they had together.
    Cian had both arms wrapped around Quinn’s torso, one at the small of his back and the other around his shoulders, holding him as close as he could. He slid one hand up and brushed the hair off Quinn’s forehead before leaning in to kiss him tenderly there, then pulled back and smiled at him.
“Aye, love, you might ’ave been.” Cian’s accent was thick with emotion and want, and he felt the shiver it sent up Quinn’s spine. “Let’s find out, yeah?”
    Quinn swallowed and nodded, his voice lost in anticipation. His eyes were huge as they looked up at Cian, who couldn’t resist leaning down and nuzzling his nose alongside Quinn’s, causing him to chuckle a little.
“You’re a snuggle bug, aren’t you, O’Reilly?”
Cian arched an eyebrow at Quinn. “Snuggle bug?” He slid his hands down Quinn’s back, searching for the hem of his T-shirt.
Quinn pressed back into the touch as he answered. “Hmmm, yeah, that’s what my little sister calls me when I snuggle with her on the couch.”
    Cian pressed a line of kisses back to a sensitive spot under Quinn’s ear. “Why are you thinking about your sister at a time like this?” He bit down a little and then soothed the sting with a lick, and this time the shudder was accompanied by a moan.
“I… oh God… have a sister?”
    Now it was Cian’s turn to chuckle. He found the bottom of Quinn’s shirt and slipped his hands under, teasing the skin on his belly before sliding around, relishing the soft, slightly ticklish skin on Quinn’s sides. He held on and pulled Quinn on top of him so he was straddling Cian’s hips; they moaned as their erections pressed together.
Cian pushed Quinn up a little and then grabbed the hem of the shirt. “Can I?” Quinn bit his lip and nodded. Cian pulled it up and off, threw it on the floor, and finally got his first good look at Quinn’s naked chest.
    Quinn looked a little vulnerable, sitting there on top of Cian in the morning sunlight, but to Cian he was the most amazing thing he had ever seen. It was a little overwhelming and very hot.
Cian smiled up at him and reached up to run his fingers through the light sprinkling of hair on Quinn’s chest. “God, you’re so beautiful.”
    “M’not.” Quinn’s blush spread adorably down his face and neck, right down his chest and

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