Luck of the Irish
should get some sleep. Tomorrow I want to go and listen to more music with you.” Cian’s eyes were getting heavy, and lying beside Quinn, watching him blink and breathe, their hands just touching, was very comforting, and it made him even sleepier.
    “Night, Quinn. Sweet dreams.”
“Night, Cian, and thanks.” Quinn’s voice was soft and sweet.
Cian’s last thought before he drifted off was that he would ask Quinn why he was thanking him when they woke up.

Chapter 6
IAN woke up in the morning wrapped around warmth and softness. He smiled when he realized Quinn was spooned up in front of him, pressed back against his chest, his hands holding on to Cian’s arms like he was never letting go. He could get on board with that.
    Cian knew he was in trouble. Quinn had made his way into his heart without even trying. All he had done was be his own sweet, amazing, honest self, and Cian was hooked. He knew his heart was going be broken when Quinn went back to the States, but right now he couldn’t bring himself to care very much. He would take what Quinn gave him and have a lovely memory to keep forever.
    Cian nuzzled into Quinn’s neck, breathing in the sleepy warm smell there. He would have been content to lay that way for hours had Quinn not tried to push himself closer to Cian in his sleep. He ended up innocently pressing his boxerscovered ass against Cian’s morning erection, and Cian couldn’t help the gasp that broke free.
    He could feel the moment Quinn woke—he went stiff in his arms for a few seconds before realizing where he was and who was behind him. Cian was gratified when Quinn just relaxed again and didn’t try to pull away.
“Morning.” Quinn’s voice was sleep-rough and adorable.
    “Morning. Sleep well?” Cian couldn’t help rubbing small circles on Quinn’s chest with his thumb while trying to ease back his hips a little so Quinn didn’t feel pressured by him.

yeah, I did.” Quinn knew he should be moving away, giving Cian space,
but he was comfortable and content where he was, and he had never woken up in someone’s arms like this before.
    It pained him every time he realized how stupid he had been about David. They had never spent the night together, and David never seemed to want to cuddle after sex. There was always somewhere he had to be, someone he had to meet.
    Quinn had always put it down to his boyfriend being busy, and when he had complained a couple of times, David had gotten annoyed and told him to quit acting like a girl.
    Quinn had just assumed that in gay relationships, that kind of closeness wasn’t there. Now he was starting to figure out that he was wrong. Cian seemed to have no problem lying there beside him, holding him, not pushing him. David had always pushed.
This was better. Much better.
    Quinn didn’t know what was going to happen, where this could go. As much as he loved it here, he knew he had to go home eventually, and Cian had a life here. There was long distance, and then there was North Carolina and Ireland. They were two different worlds, and he and Cian each belonged in their own. But Quinn needed this, the warmth and comfort and honesty that Cian offered, and he was just so damn tired of feeling alone all the time.
    He leaned his head back a little, finding it tucked on to Cian’s shoulder, and when he turned a bit, his nose pressed against the other man’s jaw. His senses were overwhelmed by the spicy scents of cologne, shampoo, and a smell he knew just as Cian. It made his half-hard dick sit up and take notice. Quinn should have been embarrassed when he’d felt Cian’s hardness against him a few minutes ago, but he decided to let it go.
    Quinn angled his face a little more and pressed his lips against the pulse in Cian’s throat, not failing to notice the little gasp the man gave before stretching his head back, offering more of his throat to Quinn. It was an offer Quinn couldn’t refuse.
    He turned in Cian’s arms so he was facing

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