Magick (The Unwanted Series Book 1)
I haven’t been there and it’s easy and fun.
    Daniel has his arms around me. I love that he is taller than me and can hold me like this. I see Emily off to the side, laughing and poking at Marco, who is returning the favor. I ask Daniel, “So, I hear Marco may finally return Emily’s advances? Is that right?”
    Daniel kisses me just under my ear. “Maybe, I dunno, but he’d be silly not to. They flirt like crazy. Might as well just get it together. Everyone thinks they’re together anyway.”
    “Yeah, true.”
    I’m looking for Lucy and spy her talking with Coral. Ugh! Coral looks like a model on a camping trip, dolled up ridiculously. If they walk over and she is in heels, I may hurl. Yep, they are walking over, but I don’t see any heels. I guess I get to save my vomit for another situation, and the beer might just do it. I dump my cup out on the ground.
    “Hello, Daniel… and Willow.” Coral says my name like it’s causing her physical pain. Wouldn’t that be nice? I notice her teeth seem to be fine, so either she’s already fixed the imperfect chip that happened on the first day or she didn’t chip a tooth after all.
    “Hey,” Daniel responds. His arms are still around me, and he kisses my neck again.
    I try not to gloat on the outside, but on the inside it’s full on ‘in your face’ celebration. You’re his ex. Get used to it! It’s Willow and Daniel now and has been for close to a year. I pull it together.
    “Hello, Coral,” I respond and immediately look toward Lucy. “Hey, Lucy, we’re gonna head back to the tents. Come over later and join us.”
    Yeah, Coral, you’re not invited. Don’t come, I say to myself. She leaves and heads straight to Steve, who I’m sure will relieve her of any misgivings.
    Daniel puts his arm around my shoulder and walks us back to the tents where our small fire pit is glowing. Both done with our Solo cups, Daniel tosses them into the fire where the plastic burns quickly and folds in on itself, producing gray smoke. It smells awful, the plastic burning. The smoke curls and twists like an arm. I shake my head, just as Lucy is walking in with Marco and Emily, who are chatting away and laughing.
    I feel an itch on the back of my neck.
    “The bugs, right?” Lucy says. “Don’t worry, I’ve got a little sage stick that should solve the problem!” She dives into our tent and returns with a small bundle that she lights up. It starts to smoke white, and she whirls it around until Emily snatches it from her and starts dancing around the fire.
    “Are you a witch, Lucy? Seriously, this is a witchy thing to do.” Emily eyes her as she waves the smoke around. I sit up a little straighter in Daniel’s lap.
    “Are you okay?” Daniel asks me.
    I nod. “Yeah, just adjusting.” I snuggle back into Daniel, but all I can think about is the rehab dream and Emily’s presence in it. I haven’t talked to her about it, outside of saying she was in a dream of mine. It sounds crazy to speak of a psych rehab unit and say, “Oh, by the way, you were there with me!” It’s bad enough my BFFs know I see a psychologist on a regular basis, anyway. Lucy says all the rich and famous do, and I shouldn’t sweat it. It’s just that I’m not the rich and famous type — or, at least, I like to reject that notion. I rub my hands up my arms and feel the secret pocket of my hoodie has something in it. I realize it’s the pills from the dream. OMG. It was a dream right? I pinch my arm and feel the hurt.
    The music is dying down, and those who aren’t staying over in the camp are starting to leave. The crickets are louder, and the temperature is getting colder. I’m happy to have the extra blankets.
    Emily and Marco at the same time announce: “Ghost stories! Lucy, tell one!”
    Lucy looks mortified. “What? Are you kidding me? I don’t do ghost stories!”
    Marco whines, “But you’re the one who reads all the time. Come on! You’ve gotta tell us one.”
    “I’ve got a

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