with strange women, pulling them against his body. Utter misery.
He put an arm around her and tugged her into an embrace. “We don’t know each other, really, but we suit in the bedroom. There are flimsier bases for a love affair.”
“Love?” she repeated.
“Perhaps. Would that be so terrible?”
Oh, dear, love? “I don’t know. I’ve never been in love.”
A wicked gleam entered his eyes. “Besides, only I know your darkest fantasy.”
“You wouldn’t.” She stared at him in horror. “You wouldn’t tell anyone else. It would ruin me.”
“Good Lord, woman, we were just discussing love. Would I do that to a woman I cared about?”
“I suppose not.”
“I’m the soul of discretion,” he said. “But we can continue to act out that fantasy in private.”
Now, there was a delicious possibility. She could ask him to do any number of depraved things to her and do the same for him. Nothing but their own creativity to limit them. “I like that idea.”
“We have this time together. Let’s explore the possibilities.” He rubbed her back, holding her gently. Not applying pressure. “At least, in bed.”
“That makes sense.”
“Then, you’ll let me do my best to woo you?”
She gazed up at his face, at the warmth of his eyes and the curve of his lips. “Do your best, but it had better be good.”
“Thank God.” He heaved a huge sigh of relief. “I was afraid you’d make me beg.”
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Make Me Beg
Copyright © 2011 by Alice G. Brilmayer
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