
Maps by Nash Summers Page B

Book: Maps by Nash Summers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nash Summers
Tags: Contemporary, YA), mm
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are you doing over there in Lane’s room, anyway?”
    Stacie ignored his question. “Where are you going?”
    “Nowhere,” he answered. He took off the button up shirt and tossed it on the ground.
    “Then why are you dressing up like when my mommy and daddy go out to dinner?”
    Maps bristled. “I am not dressing up!”
    “Yes you are! Are you going to wear lipstick like my mommy?”
    “Oh my god,” Maps mumbled to himself.
    He was not dressing up or primping himself. If fact, he didn’t even care what he looked like. Maps stood in front of his stand-up mirror and hastily ruffled up his hair just to prove it .
    While little Stacie might’ve thought he was getting ready for something, he was, in fact, not. He was simply throwing some clothing on before heading next door to see Lane so he could ask Lane if he wanted to go with Maps to a baseball game the following weekend.
    With him.
    It wasn’t even a big deal if he didn’t, but Maps just so happened to come across some tickets. By come across he meant tripping over a counter, his beloved allowance money tossing itself at a person, and that person taking enough pity on him to gift him some baseball tickets.
    It wasn’t like he bought them specifically to ask Lane to go as a ‘thank you’ of sorts for the map that now adorned his wall.
    Thinking of that map, Maps glanced over to the only wall in his room that wasn’t covered in his doodles, sketches, and charts. His mother originally insisted on him having at least one unmarked wall, but Maps personally thought that the best and only place for this special map was where nothing else would detract from its awesomeness.
    Maps shoved his hands in his pocket and smiled. It was one of the nicest gifts someone had ever given him. The dumb baseball tickets weren’t close to enough of a ‘thank you’, but it was a start.
    “Can I do your hair?” Stacie yelled, drawing Maps’ attention back to her.
    She looked so sweet and innocent leaning against Lane’s bedroom window. Her hair was curling at the ends and yellow bowtie barrettes made her look like a doll.
    But Maps knew the truth.
    Maps knew she was pure evil.
    “Hey,” Maps yelled. “Where’s your brother?”
    “On a date!” Stacie began chucking socks from Lane’s bedroom out the window. Maps watched the bunched-up bundles hurdle to the ground.
    “Wait, what?” He felt his face go cold, heard the sound of his voice break when he spoke.
    Lane was on a date? With who? And why didn’t Maps know that Lane was dating someone? But that little reminder in the back of Maps’ head kicked him.
    Of course Lane was on a date. He was a jock, popular, and had those pear-green eyes and those gapped front teeth. He probably had flocks of people after him.
    Yeah, that made sense. And it didn’t bother Maps.
    Not. One. Bit.
    “Her name is Lacey!” Stacie yelled while tossing a T-shirt of Lane’s out the window. “It rhymes with my name!”
    Maps didn’t want to get into an argument with a five-year-old about her insisting that her name was Princess Madame Sprinkle. Well, he kind of did, but now wasn’t the time.
    “His name is Lane and he’s dating someone named Lacey? That’s stupid!” Maps yelled. Why he was still there yelling between houses with Miss Sprinkle, he didn’t know. It wasn’t because he wanted more dirt on Lacey. Not even a little bit.
    “It’s not stupid!” said Stacie. “It’s like from a fairytale book!”
    “It is so stupid!”
    “Is not!”
    “Is so!”
    Maps swiftly turned to his desk, grabbed the phone, and punched in Benji’s number.
    Benji’s brother answered with, “What do you want?”
    “For your missing chromosome to continue living happily without you!” Maps snapped, and hung up the phone.
    Maps angrily folded his arms over his chest, thinking of all the ways he could make Benji’s brother’s hair fall out.
    Not even a minute later, the phone rang and Maps picked up. “Benji, good, you called back,” Maps

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