Master of Souls
money from all who travelled through his territory. But I will say one word of good. There lingered in him a remembrance that he was once a prince of the Uí Fidgente and he never harmed the passing religious. Abbess Faife passed through his territory several times in safety on her annual pilgrimage to Bréanainn’s mount.’
    ‘As Brother Eadulf says, Uaman is dead and his men dispersed,’ Conrí pointed out quickly. ‘We must concentrate on what explanations now exist.’
    Fidelma was sitting with her hands folded in her lap before her.
    ‘You say, then, this spot is near the coast? Is there any chance that some sea raiders could have come to shore there and carried off the six young women? Saxon and Frankish pirates have often attacked parts of our southern coast in search of such plunder.’
    Abbot Erc considered this.
    ‘A possibility, perhaps. But the weather was very intemperate at that time, especially along these coasts. It would be a foolhardy captain who would lead a raid across the great oceans in such weather.’
    ‘A possibility not to be discounted, though,’ Fidelma said. ‘Merchant vessels land at these ports. Which reminds me, I would like to speak to this merchant, Mugrón.’

    ‘He can be sent for,’ said Brother Cú Mara. ‘He can be here tomorrow, after the morning meal.’
    ‘That will be convenient,’ agreed Fidelma. ‘I feel that there is no more to be learnt until I see him. We will leave that matter aside. However, there is now the killing of the Venerable Cinaed to be discussed.’
    Abbot Erc raised his head in surprise.
    ‘Are you claiming authority to conduct an investigation into Cináed’s death as well as the death of Abbess Faife?’ he demanded. It was clear from his tone that he objected to the very idea.
    ‘I am a dálaigh,’ responded Fidelma quietly. ‘It is unusual for two prominent members of the same community to be murdered. We must ask if there is some connection between these two events.’
    ‘I don’t see how there could be,’ the abbot retorted in displeasure. ‘Abbess Faife could only have been killed by bandits. I presume that her companions have been abducted as slaves. However, Cinaed was bludgeoned to death in the oratory here. That could only be a result of malice. There seems no connection.’
    ‘I will make some inquiries all the same,’ Fidelma said firmly.
    The old abbot gazed at her thoughtfully for a moment, realising that behind her quiet tone was a strong will. He shrugged as if he were no longer interested in what she did.
    ‘What do you wish to know?’
    ‘Let us begin with the finding of Cináed’s body. I understand it was you who discovered it? And this was three days ago?’
    ‘I did. I went to the oratory to prepare for the annual ceremony to commemorate the feast day ofte, who taught our beloved Brénnain. Usually it was the Venerable Cináed and myself who prepared the chapel for the ceremony. The place was in darkness and, at first, I did not think he was there. Then I found his body, behind the altar, with his skull smashed in.’
    ‘Show me where the wound was,’ said Fidelma.
    The old abbot touched the back of his skull.
    ‘The corpse was lying face down … ?’
    Abbot Erc shook his head. ‘It was not. He lay upon his back.’
    Fidelma pursed her lips but said nothing.
    ‘Was there any sign of a weapon?’ asked Eadulf.
    ‘None that we found.’
    ‘Yet it must have been a heavy weapon to deliver such a blow,’ Eadulf
observed quietly. ‘And what of the blood? Surely such a wound would have caused much blood to spray out, staining the clothing of whoever was responsible?’
    Fidelma cast an appreciative glance at Eadulf and turned to the abbot.
    ‘Was anyone seen with blood on his or her clothing? Was a search made for any such clothing?’
    It was clear that such a thought had not occurred to him. He glanced at his steward.
    ‘Well?’ he asked. ‘Was such a search made?’
    The young steward spread his hands

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