get you. He
wants to talk to you in private, as if he thinks we don’t know what’s
happening. I told him we’d send you down, so you’d better hurry.” She turned
and looked at me. “I hear they’re letting you out today, Jesse.”
I looked at Billy and laughed.
“After that little scene a few minutes ago, I bet they’re
ready to be rid of me.”
“What happened?” Sarah asked.
As I told them about my little fit, Billy turned and left the
room to go see Jonathan.
“The nurse should’ve told you that she was taking the baby
even if she had to wake you up,” Sarah said. “I would’ve been livid! What’s
wrong with these people? But... I guess they have their hands full around here.
I bet you panicked.”
“Oh, trust me, I did. I just about went off the cliff. I
probably freaked out the entire staff. I’m surprised they didn’t throw me out
of here.”
“I’m sure they see their share of nervous new mothers,” the
chief added. “You’re not the only one to act a little nutty.”
Sarah and I sat and chatted as the chief held his grandson.
“You’re such a good grandfather,” I said, looking over at
him. “Ethan said he wants to be just like you.” I snickered. “Yep, he wants to
grow up and be heap big medicine man like his grandpa!”
“We can make that happen.”
Thirty minutes later, Billy walked back into the room. He had
a forlorn look on his face.
“What is it?” I asked. “You looked so troubled.”
“I am,” he said. “Daisy Clark is the one who shot Jonathan.”
“Is that what Jonathan said?”
“Yeah,” Billy replied. “Jonathan said she walked right up to
him and stuck a gun in his chest. It happened so fast that he only got a quick
glance at her, but he’s pretty sure it was Daisy.”
“Pretty sure isn’t enough. He needs to be positive that it
was Daisy.”
“He’s almost positive,” Billy said. “He said she came around
the car and was in his face in a split second. He did say that he thought she
might be wearing a wig. Her hair looked weird as if it wasn’t on straight.”
“What are we going to do?” I asked.
“We’re going to get her,” Billy said. “We’re going to stop
her before she has a chance to hurt anyone else.”
“Where’s my nanny?” I asked, looking around the room. “I’m
with you, pal! Let’s go find us a killer!”
Chapter 5
She looked up in the rearview mirror and thought she recognized
the car behind her, but she didn’t recognize the driver. Obviously, she knew
the car wasn’t her friend’s car, because her friend would never drive so
She couldn’t figure out why someone would follow so close to
her bumper. Everyone who drives this road knows it’s too dangerous to drive so
fast, especially when you come up on another car. Tailgating makes matters
worse. What would happen if you had to stop quickly?
Playing games wasn’t meant to be done on the road, and this
road in particular was too curvy for anyone to be able to negotiate some of the
turns at high speed.
The driver continued to follow her, barely inches from her
rear end. If she slowed down or sped up, the other driver did the same.
At first, it seemed to be a silly game the other driver was
playing, but it wasn’t funny anymore. It became obvious that whoever was
driving that car was determined to instill fear in her.
Panic set in as she tried to out-run her tormentor, wondering
the whole time why anyone would be after her.
What did this person want? Had she cut off the driver
She dug in her purse for her cell phone, at the same time
trying to keep her eyes on the road. After opening up the phone, she hesitated
for a second and tried to remember what she did with the business card she had
received from Billy Blackhawk, the private detective she had contacted about
Pat’s death.
Pat had been a good friend to her and she knew something was
fishy about her untimely death, so she’d called another friend to get the name
Gabrielle Holly
Joan Phipson
Claudia Carroll
Jill Edmondson
Amalia T. Dillin
Alanna Knight
Shelley Row
Morag Joss
Sherwood Smith
Danae Ayusso