Miracles in Disguise (The Trampled Rose Series)

Miracles in Disguise (The Trampled Rose Series) by Michelle Lynn Brown Page A

Book: Miracles in Disguise (The Trampled Rose Series) by Michelle Lynn Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Lynn Brown
Tags: Fiction, Christian - Romance
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    “You were talking about how we are going to keep things the way they were when Mrs. Rose was here,” one of the boys from the back said. “Easy."
    The kids laughed, and Kristina smiled at the student, “Thank you Mr….?” she paused, waiting for the boy to answer.
    “Bobby,” he smirked, “Bobby Swanson. And it’s my pleasure to keep you on track.”
    Kristina laughed good naturedly, and then said, “Well, Mr. Swanson,” she said, rising from the desk and leveling her hazel eyes on the young man. “Since you were so gracious to inform me that it was easy with Mrs. Rose, then you all will have no problem finishing “A Rose for Emily” tonight, taking a quiz tomorrow, and preparing a two-page essay, typed and double spaced, by Friday.” The class groaned and complained.
    “You can’t do that!” Bobby cried, “Mr. Shirley, you can’t let her do that!”
    The class turned and looked at the principle, who smiled at his new English teacher. “I believe that is exactly what you need.”
    The class sighed in unison, one kid whispering “Way to go, Bobby.” But the kid sank low in his seat after Bobby sent him a menacing glare.
    “If you do not have a computer or typewriter at home, there are several in the school or the town’s library.” Bobby opened his mouth to protest, she said, "Mr. Swanson, if you are going to come up with an excuse for not having it typed for me, then you can write it out on notebook paper.”
    Bobby smiled with pleasure.
    “But, of course, it will have to be four pages if it is handwritten.” Turning to the board, she began writing several terms. “I do not want you to just retell the story to me; I have already read it. I want to see how much of it you have comprehended. Tell me about the people in Emily’s life and their effect on her. Did you notice any symbolism in the story? What does the conflict center on? Is there any foreshadowing?”
    The students began asking questions about the terms, and Nathan sank back in his seat, not realizing until now that he had been leaning forward. He was not only shocked by the outcome of the initial altercation between Kristina and Bobby, but was very impressed. Gone was the nervous and jittery woman, who constantly seemed to be fumbling around him. She was confident, self-assured and extremely competent. The students fired off questions and complaints rapidly, and she took each question or complaint head on, answering it or addressing it fully until she was satisfied they were taken care of, and she managed to learn the majority of their names in the process.
    The students were still grumbling over their homework assignment, when Kristina held up her hands and said, “I know you all don’t think you can do this, but if I were to ask you to tell me about the last movie you saw, you could do that with no problem. What I'm asking is just a little more deeper than that. I’m asking you to analyze it.”
    “What’s the point?” Bobby asked, “I mean, it’s not like we are really going to need this in our future.”
    “On the contrary, Bobby,” she answered, “Being able to read and understand a complex document and then effectively communicate to others what you have just read is a vital skill in all areas of life. That is what I teach you, and that is what you will be able to do by the end of this year.”
    “Well, I won’t need to worry about that. I’m going to be an NFL player, my agents and lawyers will handle all of that reading junk for me." Bobby said, leaning back in the chair as some of the class chuckled.
    “What about their contracts?” Kristina asked him with a delicately arched eyebrow. “Who is going to read their proposals to represent you? And how will you know what’s fair, or if they are going to rip you off?”
    Bobby opened his mouth to say something, but Kristina went on, “And don’t you think it would be wise to be able to read and understand whatever it is they are asking you to sign? Or

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