More Than a Fling?
guessed that he wasn’t that easily fooled.
    ‘Don’t peek.’
    ‘Wouldn’t dream of it,’ Ross assured her. ‘Throw your leg
behind me and put your arms around my waist. When we’re on the road just move
with me. Don’t fight me or we will crash. I move—you move. Got it?’
    Ally heaved in a breath. ‘Got it.’
    ‘Trust me?’
    Funnily enough, she did. ‘Yes. Eyes forward and don’t
    Ally hitched her skirt up and threw her leg over the bike and
sighed as the leather made contact with the inside of her thighs. Then she slid
down the bike and her thighs gripped Ross’s hips as her breasts slammed against
his broad back. Lust and heat and warmth instantly dialled her panties up from
warm to fire-hot.
    Instinctively Ally glanced over his shoulder to his left side
mirror and her eyes connected with his warm, heated gaze. ‘What?’
    ‘I really, really like your red panties. Colour suits you.’
    Ally punched his shoulder blade. ‘You sod! I told you not to
    Ross laughed, and the rest of her protests were lost under the
roar of the motorbike.

    Ally, who’d finished her presentation, run through the figures
and answered Ross’s many questions, wasn’t surprised by his refusal. From the
moment she’d met him and decided that he’d be perfect for the campaign she’d
known that he’d be a hard sell. He was one of those men who really didn’t need
the ego boost the campaign would provide and, honestly, there wasn’t much of an
incentive for him to do it.
    Win! was doing stupendously well anyway, unlike celebrities he
didn’t need his face on billboards and the small screen to keep his profile up,
and he certainly didn’t need the cash they’d pay him.
    To be honest, she wasn’t in the least surprised that he’d
turned her down.
    What else could she say? Do? Offer her body again? It was
    Ally scratched the top of her head with her pen and swivelled
her head round when the door to Ross’s office opened and a creature she
fervently hoped was a dog entered the room.
    ‘He’s all yours, Ross.’ A young man wearing sunglasses and
baggy shorts dropped a leash onto the coffee table next to Ally as the half-dog,
half-cow trotted over to her and shoved its snout into her crotch.
    Well, hello there.
    Ross and the young man lunged forward to drag him away but Ally
shook her head, grabbed the jowly face and lowered her face to look into the
dark mischievous eyes.
    ‘You are a big, big boy and it’s very rude to get that fresh on
a first date, mister,’ she crooned, gently rubbing his ears. ‘But you are beautiful—even if you are the size of a
    The dog put a ginormous paw on her thigh and Ross saw Ally’s
wince at the pressure. He issued a sharp command and the paw dropped back to the
floor. ‘Sorry. He’d climb up into your lap if you let him. He’s a big baby,
    So this was a surprise, Ross thought. Most people—men and
women—would have pushed themselves into the back of the chair to get away from
sixty-five kilos of muscled, slobbery dog. Ally—supposedly uptight and tense—had
just melted as she instantly bonded with his dog.
    Exactly the opposite of what he’d expected her to do.
    Ross watched as she pulled her nails along the front of his
chest and was certain that Pic’s eyes rolled back in pleasure.
    ‘Mmm...either you don’t get any love and attention here or
you’re a big, fat slut,’ she murmured.
    ‘He’s a slut,’ Ross confirmed. ‘If I’m not around he begs for
affection—and snacks—from anyone and everyone in the building.’ Ross glanced up
at the young man who was still standing at the door. ‘Thanks, Guy. Can you run
him tomorrow same time?’
    ‘Sure,’ Guy agreed.
    Guy’s eyes had widened at the love-fest happening between Pic
and Ally and Ross shrugged. They both knew that Pic took his own sweet time
warming to people, so this was very unusual behaviour indeed.
    ‘What breed

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