Murder Is Elementary

Murder Is Elementary by Diane Weiner Page A

Book: Murder Is Elementary by Diane Weiner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diane Weiner
Tags: Fiction, Mystery & Detective, Women Sleuths
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she just really see what she thought she saw? The blond lady had taken a sample of fruitcake and fed it to Blaze. Yep, she put it right into his mouth. If Blaze was capable of cheating on his wife then maybe he was capable of murder too. Susan remembered how he’d been quoted in the newspaper as saying what a stable and happy home life Ryan had. He had insisted that Ryan’s behavioral problems were due to being molested at the school. This was during the time when the lawsuit against Vicky and the school district was happening. She decided to keep following them.
    Blaze and his girlfriend turned down the cereal aisle. Now they appeared to be arguing. Susan didn’t want to get too close. She couldn’t hear what they were saying but could tell by their body language that something was going on. Susan tossed a box of Kashi cereal into her cart. Then she followed them down the bread aisle. Blaze put a loaf of Wonder Bread into his cart.
    “Don’t you dare tell me what I should or shouldn’t do,” Blaze shouted to the blond.
    “I’m not, but you know better,” she responded.
    “Shut up right now or you’ll be sorry,” said Blaze.
    “But you…” said the blond. Before she could finish, Blaze hauled off and smacked her right across the face. The blond woman’s hand went immediately to her cheek. Susan could see that she was in pain but the woman held back her tears. She left Blaze with the cart and started toward the store exit. Blaze caught up with her.
    “I’m sorry. Are you okay? I didn’t mean to do that. Come on, baby, I said I’m sorry.” Blaze pleaded with his girlfriend. After a few minutes, they were hugging and going back into the store.
    At the checkout, Susan chose a line adjacent to the one Blaze and the mystery blond were in. It was as if the smacking incident had never happened. She nonchalantly watched as Blaze loaded a bottle of wine, strawberries, and a hunk of imported cheese onto the conveyor belt. Hmm, I don’t see any Oreos or Frosted Flakes , thought Susan. Obviously Blaze wasn’t shopping for his son. As she was watching, Blaze suddenly turned and glared at her. She quickly turned her head and pretended to be choosing from the rack of disposable razor blades next to her. She doubted that Blaze had gotten a good look at her. Even if he had, it had been over a year since he’d last seen her and she was wearing a hat. Did she dare follow him in her car? Maybe she’d discover something that would tie him into Vicky’s murder if she did. She owed it to Carolina. She had to prove that Javier was innocent for Carolina’s sake.
    She quickly loaded her groceries into the Prius and slumped behind the wheel. When Blaze pulled out of the parking lot, she followed, keeping a safe distance between them. She got caught at a red light but was still able to catch up to him. Eventually, he pulled into an apartment complex. Susan followed him and pulled into a visitor’s parking space. Blaze and the blond grabbed their bag of groceries and started down the sidewalk. They were obviously together. Susan craned her neck out her car window to see which apartment they were going to. Then the unexpected happened. Blaze handed the grocery bag to the blond, did a 180, and ran down the sidewalk toward Susan’s car. Susan’s heart pounded. She briefly fumbled with the car key, then started the engine and high tailed it out of the parking lot. She could see Blaze running after her. He appeared to be yelling. There was that violent streak again, thought Susan. When he was clearly out of sight, Susan began to breathe normally and headed home. She had a moment of panic when she realized that Blaze had gotten a good look at her car. She’d have to be more careful. Blaze was looking pretty suspicious and she had no idea what he might be capable of.

Chapter 16

    The sun glistened on the shimmery snow outside the Petrocelli house. The sky was clear and blue. It was a perfect day to celebrate Christmas. Tony came

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