Murder Is Elementary

Murder Is Elementary by Diane Weiner Page B

Book: Murder Is Elementary by Diane Weiner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diane Weiner
Tags: Fiction, Mystery & Detective, Women Sleuths
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running into his parents’ bedroom. At least he’d waited for the sun to come up this year.
    “Mommy, Daddy, Santa came!” Tony bounced on the king-sized bed trying to get Antonio and Hayley to wake up.
      “Okay partner, we’re coming,” said Antonio. Hayley tied her satin bathrobe and put on her gold toned slippers.
    “I think I’ll make us some pancakes and bacon. Maybe I’ll go buy some oranges and squeeze them into juice. Then we can open presents.”
    “No, Mommy, no! I want to open them now.”
    “I was just kidding, honey. You know I wouldn’t make you wait.”
    “I kind of like the fresh-squeezed orange juice idea though,” said Antonio. Hayley gave him a playful swat on the head. “I hear the baby. Go on down and I’ll get him. Then we can open presents.”
    Hayley went into the baby’s room. She scooped him up and put him on the changing table. “Your first Christmas, kiddo.” After she changed his diaper, she snapped him into a onesie that said ‘Baby’s First Christmas.’ She thought about the day Cory was born. Antonio was at school when her water broke. She called his cell but he didn’t answer. Then she called the school. He was supposed to be helping Vicky that day but no one could find him. She actually had to ask her neighbor to drive her to the hospital. Antonio didn’t show up until hours later. She’d had a good idea where he was. She was sure he and Vicky had slipped out for a long lunch followed by a nap in the motel by the mall. Antonio had no idea that she was on to him. He was going to pay for cheating on her and he wouldn’t even see it coming.
    Jody Decker woke up early to a clean blanket of snow outside the window. Later in the spring it would look all dirty and slushy. Dirty snow always put her in a foul mood. She put on the new gray sweater dress she’d bought while Christmas shopping with Theresa. Theresa always teased her about being such a girlie girl. Love the way this hugs my curves, she thought––even if I am only going to visit my mom. And I love this new gel polish . She fanned her nails out in front of her. I can’t believe this French manicure has lasted almost two weeks now. Next she fussed with her hair . Hmmm, thought Jody. Up in a loose bun or flowing down my back? Jody decided to put it up. It would stay neater during the long drive. She put on some fashionable boots. She preferred heels but the snow made it a little hard to walk outside in them. She decided to throw a pair into her overnight bag just in case. She called her Mom to tell her she was about to leave.
    “Hi, Mom. Yes, I had a nice time with Theresa and her family last night. Midnight Mass was beautiful. Theresa’s family took up an entire pew. I’m about to leave. I know, I haven’t been home since moving here but I’ll see you in a few hours.” Jody and her mom had gone through some stormy times in the past. Jody was glad that they were able to maintain a relationship now that she was an adult. Jody ended the call and closed her suitcase.
    Then she gave Theresa a quick call to say goodbye and wish her a Merry Christmas. Theresa was a good friend. It was nice that she included her in her family’s plans. Jody didn’t make friends that easily. Ever since childhood, she’d had trouble fitting in with others. For a while she really tried to be like the other kids. She even pretended to care about watching football games and buying the latest CDs. Then she gave up. Theresa understood her though. There was a real connection there. Jody got into her car and started on her trip.
    Susan had the turkey in the oven and was mashing potatoes. There was nothing like the aroma of turkey roasting in the oven. She loved the holidays. She couldn’t help feeling sad that Evan wouldn’t be home this year but there would be plenty of future holidays. Some day he’d be a world class surgeon publishing in The New England Journal of Medicine and flying to Paris to speak at medical

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