Music for My Soul

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Book: Music for My Soul by Lauren Linwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Linwood
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical
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man’s cruel words. “That topic, de Picassaret, is not open for discussion. Good day.”
    Garrett moved to leave, but Henri stood and clutched his arm tightly. For such a frail—looking man, his strength was surprising.
    “No, my apologies, monsieur . I was thoughtless. I am sure that you grieve for your lost wife.”
    Garrett was slightly mollified but did not take his chair.
    “Come,” Henri said, his tone now conciliatory. “Let us not talk of wives when there is business to conduct.” He paused. “I merely heard that an acquaintance’s wife had run off. The man is beside himself and has no idea where to begin looking.” He offered Garrett an apologetic smile. “I thought you might advise me, for my friend, since you have experienced something similar.”
    Garrett s glared at Henri. “Some things are best left private,” he said, his mouth set. They stared at each other for several moments before taking their seats.
    Henri opened the discussion again. “I am ready to offer you an unusual business proposal, Lord Montayne.” Henri’s eyes glittered. “It is one that you must accept immediately, however, for I am to return to my home shortly.”
    “What do you propose?”
    Henri smiled. “I would like to go into a partnership with you, mon ami . You have a good head for the business, and you know wine. Your vineyards in Bordeaux regularly bring in a profit.”
    “’Tis true, my family has been in the wine business for many years now. What kind of partnership do you seek?”
    “I know you trade your wines not only in England, but also ship to the Hanseatic ports and the Low Countries. I would like my champagnes to go also to these places.”
    Garrett raised his eyebrows. “On my ships?”
    Henri nodded. “In exchange for our wines traveling to their destinations together, I would give you control of one—fifth of my vineyards outside Reims for a period of ten years.”
    Garrett frowned. “I would own part of your vineyard in exchange for your champagne accompanying my wines? Do I understand you correctly?”
    “Yes, you have grasped the essence of my offer. We can work out the details, of course, at a later date.” Henri waited for Garrett’s reply, but Garrett rose and began to pace around the room, his hands locked behind him.
    He stopped abruptly. “I know little to nothing about champagne and really have no inclination to begin now. I rarely travel to Bordeaux as it is. Reims is far away from my home. Why do you suggest this?”
    Henri shrugged in the typical Gallic manner, a shrug that could encompass many things. “It would open up new markets for my champagnes, of course. You have a large fleet, and it is well—protected.” Henri grinned. “You also have a reputation for getting the best prices available, my lord. You seem to squeeze more gold from the traders than anyone in all of England.”
    Garrett nodded. He knew that to be correct. He drove a hard bargain, as did his managers. His family was much better off in the years since he had been in charge of their finances.
    Henri shifted in his chair. “Naturally, I would not expect you to care for the vines. I would look out for your portion of the champagne vineyards as if they were still my own. You’d simply have to transport the wine, along with my own stock, and collect the profits.”
    He looked expectantly at Garrett. “Then we are in agreement?”
    Something kept Garrett from rushing ahead. The proposition appeared simple on the surface. In regard to business, he was a patient man. He’d never leapt into any transaction without more information. He would not start now.
    “Your proposition is intriguing, my lord,” he said as he returned to his chair. “I could be interested in entering the champagne trade. But I hesitate.”
    Henri appeared startled, as if he’d assumed Garrett would immediately accept his idea without question.
    Before he could speak, Garrett added, “I have never undertaken something so vast quite so

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