Music of the Soul

Music of the Soul by Katie Ashley Page B

Book: Music of the Soul by Katie Ashley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Ashley
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
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in the moonlight. “Now I have a wet and cold ass, thanks to you.”
    “Hmm, we can’t have that now, can we?” Looming over her, I nudged her onto her back, which
    was what I had planned on when I let her down. “Let me warm you up.” I leaned in to bring my lips to
    hers when someone cleared her throat above me. Glancing up from Abby, I saw the wedding
    coordinator smiling apologetically at me. “Yes?”
    “I just wanted to let you know that everything is ready for you at the house. It should only be
    another thirty minutes for the catering crew to break everything down. Then you’ll have the island to
    “Thank you.”
    With a curt nod, she turned and started high tailing it away from us. “Glad she’s gone. Now
    where were we?”
    “The part where you get off me, so we can go to the house and have our well-needed privacy?”
    I groaned. “No, not that part. I wanted the part where I made love to you in the moonlight with
    the waves crashing over us.”
    Abby laughed. “That sounds wonderful, but not when we have a potential audience. You can
    take me in a hundred different ways all over this beach tomorrow when we’re alone.”
    “Damn, is that a promise?”
    “Yes, it is.”
    “Hmm, okay then.” In a fluid motion, I rose to my feet and then extended my hand to her. When
    she slipped hers inside mine, I pulled her off the sand. Keeping her hand in mine, we started walking
    up the beach to the house.
    As we went by the bustling caters, they kept their heads down and tried to be invisible to us.
    “Thank you all, again. Everything was just wonderful,” Abby gushed.
    A few “You’re Welcomes” were said while they kept working. “You’re too sweet for your own
    good, you know that?” I asked, as we walked up the stairs.
    “It doesn’t hurt to say thank you and show your gratitude for a good job,” Abby countered.
    “A lot of people wouldn’t. You’ve never let your stardom or fame go to your head. It’s just one
    of the million things I love about you.”
    “I’ll be sure to say thank you for the amazing orgasms you’re going to give me tonight,” she said,
    with a little smirk.
    My brows rose as I thought about her cocky little response. She was betting on some orgasms,
    and I sure as hell intended on giving them to her. “Oh, you’re going to pay for that one, Miss Sassy,” I
    said, reaching out for her. She squealed and ran ahead of me into the house. When I caught up with
    her, I started to grab her but then stopped. She stood stock still in the middle of the living room. With
    her back to me, she stared straight ahead. I knew she was taking in the flickering candles and rose
    petals that led down the hallway.
    Abby glanced over her shoulder at me, her blue eyes wide with surprise. “You had them do
    I shrugged. “I made a few suggestions to their ‘romance package’.”
    “It’s beautiful,” she murmured, with a small smile. Gathering up the front of her dress, she began
    padding barefoot down the hallway. With the candlelight illuminating her golden hair and skin, she
    looked just like an angel. My angel—for now and always. Fuck, how did an asshole like me ever get
    so lucky?
    I heard her sharp intake of breath when she entered the master suite at the end of the hallway.
    “Oh Jake,” she whispered. Candles lit the interior of the room while on top of the bed, red, pink, and
    purple rose petals were formed into a giant heart.
    “You don’t think it’s cheesy?” I asked tentatively.
    “Never.” She turned around to wrap her arms around me. “The fact that it came from your heart
    makes it even more special.”
    “I wanted to make tonight beautiful for you. I know chicks dig shit like flowers and candles.”
    Abby smiled. “It is wonderful, Jake, but you’re all I need to make this night wonderful. You and
    your love.”
    “Mmm, I like hearing you say that,” I said, before leaning in to kiss her. As her ready mouth
    worked against

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