Music of the Soul

Music of the Soul by Katie Ashley Page A

Book: Music of the Soul by Katie Ashley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Ashley
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
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Considering how Jake was usually so cocky and so
    sure of himself, his vulnerability broke me completely.
    When it became my turn, I could barely contain my sobs as I repeated my vows. I was a shaking,
    stuttering mess, but somehow I made it through them. “Love you,” Jake mouthed with a smile.
    “Love you more,” I replied.
    “And now, for the giving and receiving of rings,” my father said.
    I turned to Allison while Jake turned to AJ. “With this ring, I thee wed,” I murmured as I slid the
    platinum band on Jake’s left hand. After Jake slid mine on, we turned to my dad.
    “By the power vested in me by God’s holy ordinance and the state of Texas, I now pronounce
    you husband and wife.” With a little less bravado, he glanced at Jake and added, “You may now kiss
    the bride.”
    A smile curved on Jake’s lips as his hands came to cup my face. Tenderly his thumbs stroked
    my cheeks before he leaned in to kiss me. While our lips lingered together, Jake dropped his hands to
    then wrap me in his arms. He squeezed me tight against him. When he pulled away, tears shimmered
    in his eyes. “I love you, Mrs. Slater,” Jake whispered into my ear.
    No matter how many times he said the words, I simply couldn’t grow tired of them. I knew I
    wouldn’t for the rest of my life. “I love you, too. So, so much,” I replied.
    My father’s booming voice cut us off. “I’m happy to present Mr. and Mrs. Jake Slater!”
    Applause cut through the air as everyone rose out of the chairs. The quartet struck up the Bridal
    March as I took my bouquet back from Allison. With my cheeks stinging from smiling so broadly, I
    slipped my arm through Jake’s, and we started down the aisle as man and wife. As corny as it sounds,
    it felt just like I was walking on air. I couldn’t remember a time when I had felt such joy, such love,
    and such contentment.

    After an evening filled with dinner and dancing, I stood on the dock with Abby as we waved good-
    bye to the last of our wedding party. With one arm wrapped securely around Abby’s waist, she
    snuggled tighter against my side. We watched the lights of the catamaran get further and further away.
    Finally, we were alone. Just us. With an entire island all to ourselves.
    Gazing down at her, I smiled. “Man, I thought they’d never leave.”
    She giggled. “I know. I thought we were going to just have to go up to the house and leave them
    all down here.”
    “The sad fact is it’s only midnight.”
    Abby’s brows shot up in surprise. “Seriously? I thought it was at least three am.”
    I laughed. “No, the last boat for the shore leaves at midnight. If we hadn’t got their asses on
    there, we would have had a full house for our honeymoon.”
    Abby’s nose wrinkled. “That would have been a nightmare.”
    “Anxious to have me all to yourself, huh?”
    “Mmm, hmm,” she replied before yawning.
    “Are you tired, Mrs. Slater?”
    “Just a little,” she admitted sheepishly.
    “I kept you up too late last night.”
    She shook her head. “I don’t regret one moment of that.”
    “That’s my girl.” Leaning over, I cupped my arms beneath her knees and swept her off her feet.
    Her eyes widened. “Jake, what are you doing?” she demanded.
    “You said you were tired, so I’m going to carry you back to the house like a good husband.”
    Abby snorted as I started trudging across the cold, wet sand. “This is really chivalrous of you,
    but you’re going to strain yourself.”
    I cut my eyes over to hers. “Are you insinuating that I’m not manly enough to carry you across
    this beach?”
    “Come on, Jake. This is silly. Put me down.”
    “All right. Fine. But don’t try to say later on that I never did anything romantic for you.” With
    her still in my arms, I sank to my knees. She squealed when I pitched her forward onto the sand.
    “What are—?”
    With a shrug, I replied, “You wanted me to put you down, so I was just obliging you.”
    She glared up at me

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