Music of the Soul

Music of the Soul by Katie Ashley

Book: Music of the Soul by Katie Ashley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Ashley
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
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catch a glimpse of Jake. I could see Brayden, AJ, and Rhys in their island casual
    khaki pants, crisp white, button-down shirts, and pink vests. But there was no Jake. Finally, as we
    curved around the last row of chairs to start up the aisle, my eyes met his. The smile that spread
    across his lips caused my heart to still and restart.
    I couldn’t remember a time when he had looked more handsome. His dark hair was perfectly
    slicked back. His vest hugged his muscular frame while his biceps bulged against the fabric of his
    shirt. Even from my place down the aisle, I could see his deep blue eyes sparkling in the twilight. I
    couldn’t believe how lucky I was to be marrying this gorgeous man. But it wasn’t what he looked like
    on the outside that mattered to me. It was his caring heart and sensitive soul that made the true
    attraction for me.
    My mind was on sensory overload as I tried to take in every detail of my walk down the aisle.
    The smiling faces of friends and family, the gentle breeze that rippled through my hair, the way the
    warm sand squished between my toes, the sound of the waves crashing against the shore below us.
    When I reached Jake’s side, the sun had started its descent into the west, sending an array of reds
    and oranges across the deep, blue sky. In the fading sunlight, thousands of candles and twinkling lights
    lit our perfect piece of heaven on the shore.
    Kissing my cheek, my dad then left my side to take his place at the head of the altar. He was
    pulling double duty giving me away, as well as performing the ceremony. “Dearly beloved, we’re
    gathered here in the sight of God to join together this man and this woman in the bonds of holy
    I couldn’t help tuning my dad out to glance over at Jake. I was rewarded with a pleased grin
    from him. Leaning over slightly, he whispered, “Oh Abby, you look like a dream…like my true
    Gazing up at him, I mouthed, “Thank you.”
    When my dad cleared his throat, both Jake and I jumped and then quickly gave him our full
    attention. “It’s normally at this part of the ceremony when I ask who gives the woman in marriage. Of
    course, I already know the answer to this question.” Smiling at Jake, my dad said, “Laura, and I,
    along with her brothers, proudly and happily give Abby’s hand to you, Jake.”
    “I gladly take it, sir,” Jake replied, with a grin.
    “You know, from the time Abby was born, Laura and I prayed that God would send her a
    companion. Someone she could spend her life in love with. Someone to support her in the good times
    and bad and be her true soul mate. Of course, we didn’t expect him to come in the package of a
    tattooed rock star.”
    Laughter echoed around us. When it had faded away, my dad’s expression sobered. “Two years
    ago when I first met you, Jake, I don’t think I could have ever fathomed being in this place today. I
    wanted Abby to marry someday—one day long, long in the future. But our time isn’t always divine,
    and I have no doubts that you two are meant to start your lives together at this very moment in time.”
    “Thank you, sir,” Jake said softly.
    Dad nodded at my brothers and Micah. Jake and I had argued over what song to have played at
    the ceremony. Finally, after months of discussion, we finally decided on God Bless the Broken Road.
    As Micah began singing the familiar lyrics, Jake took my hands in his. He squeezed them tight before
    giving me a beaming smile. As my brothers’ voices harmonized, Jake’s thumbs rubbed circles over
    the back of my hand. Not once did he take his eyes from mine.
    When the song faded to a close, my dad opened his Bible to begin the vows. “Jake, repeat after
    me,” he instructed.
    Jake nodded and turned his attention away from my father and back to me. “I, Jacob Ethan Slater,
    take you Abigail Elizabeth Renard to be my lawfully wedded wife…” As he started to echo the
    words my father said, he blinked back the tears.

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