My Lady Mischief
"I did compromise her."
    "You are under a misapprehension. I made acceptable excuses to my guests about your disappearance tonight. So, I repeat, you misapprehend." The earl fidgeted in his chair but his voice did not waver. "Since neither Thea nor I assert she was compromised, there the matter rests. She was not compromised."
    "I cannot credit that you would fail to protect Lady Althea this way, Steyne." Hart, himself, wanted to protect her. Mayhap the man was insane—or was he himself a prime candidate for Bedlam?
    Lord Steyne's fist descended to his desk with a loud thump. "My daughter will marry for love or not marry at all!"
    "Are you saying that she doesn't love me?"
    The earl's face crumpled. "I do not know. And neither does she. She says not."
    "Am I to assume she told you everything that happened?"
    "Enough to assure me you would feel she'd been compromised and you would try to force her into an unwanted marriage," the earl replied.
    Hart's eyes narrowed. "Surely she did not imply I had forced unwanted attentions upon her?"
    "No, merely that one of her schemes had reversed on her." The old earl plucked at his upper lip for a moment. He then reached into his vest and pulled out a letter. Holding out the packet, he said, "Read this."
    Hart's temples pounded as he stared for some moments at Steyne's outstretched hand. Finally he took the letter, certain the contents would somehow change everything. As if expecting adders to leap out at him, he cautiously opened it, then recognizing the handwriting of his father, began to read. Upon reaching the section where his own name was linked with Thea's he slowly raised his eyes to meet Steyne's.
    "Is Lady Althea aware of this letter?" His tone was deadly.
    The earl shook his head. "She is totally unaware of it and I would have her remain that way."
    It didn't help that his father sought the match. In fact, it did the reverse. Since the death of his mother, he'd found his father to be arrogant and unapproachable. After reaching the age of majority, his relationship with the duke was strained and Hart's first inclination was to pursue whichever course the duke would most dislike. More recently, Hart fought against that urge and tried to use reason rather than impulse in their dealings.
    And this still did not change matters. Thea had been compromised.
    Feeling firmly caught in the noose, he tapped the letter and asked, "Did you plan this situation?"
    "No. But the duke is correct, Thea is very much like her mother. However, she is a spirited girl and I find it increasingly difficult to check her untoward behavior."
    "Ah ha," Hart exclaimed with a mock smile. "So you do admit that your daughter is at fault."
    "At fault, possibly. But you alone are the one responsible for the position in which she now finds herself." The earl's voice became a shout. "God's blood, man, what were you thinking of, remaining out in the gardens with her beyond all that is proper? I can only assume it was your intent to compromise her!"
    Hart had the grace to look ashamed, for Steyne's words held a grain of truth. Some insanity had prompted him to choose just that. Was it his fault that his brain ceased functioning whenever she was near?
    Steyne continued, "It is time for her to marry. To that end, it is my plan to send her to London for the season. Her aunt, Lady Prunella, will handle her presentation at court and to society." The older man paused, searching for words. "What I am trying to tell you, Hartingfield, is that I would be delighted by an alliance of our families. I merely will not compel Thea to wed where her heart does not lead her. Therefore, I expect you will do whatever it takes to convince her that you are her choice. Do I make myself clear?"
    "You are directing that, in London, I court her?" Hart detected the subtle demand behind the earl's words. He did not respond well to demands, subtle or otherwise.
    "Yes, unless you are the sort of gentleman who preys upon innocent young females. Yes.

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