My Royal Pain Quest (The Lakeland Knight series, #2)

My Royal Pain Quest (The Lakeland Knight series, #2) by Laura Lond

Book: My Royal Pain Quest (The Lakeland Knight series, #2) by Laura Lond Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Lond
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accomplished the first one?”


Chapter 4
    [Back to Table of Contents]

    Triar treated us to all kinds of mushroom dishes—soup, pies, fried mushrooms, roasted pheasant with mushroom sauce. The hermit turned out to be a much better host than one might expect, given his reputation. We talked for several hours. Triar wanted to know everything about my dealings with sparklings, gormacks, and especially about the spoiling of the sword. Unlike Cassandra, he was not satisfied with me simply stating that I failed to protect it.
    “What exactly took place?” he asked.
    “Does it matter?”
    “It might. You never know what piece of information will prove to be crucial.”
    I sighed. “Very well. The sword was not supposed to change hands, and I gave it to Prince Kellemar.”
    Triar’s hand stopped with the spoon half-way to his mouth.
    “You gave it to him?”
    “Yes. I was forced to. Otherwise, he threatened to kill Prince Philip of Ulkaria.”
    The hermit studied me, saying nothing.
    “You don’t believe me?” I asked. “This probably does not go along with what you know about Kellemar, but it is true.”
    I shared the whole story. Triar and Cassandra listened, forgetting their food.
    “It is hard to believe, but I do,” the hermit said. “I’ve heard strange, conflicting accounts about Prince Kellemar, things that I couldn’t explain. Now I am beginning to understand some of it.”
    Kellemar wasn’t exactly my favorite subject.
    “What else do you want to know, Triar?”
    “Tell me about the monster.”
    Now I wished I hadn’t asked.
    “I don’t see how that’ s important. He’s got nothing to do with Jarvi or my quest.”
    The hermit shrugged. “Like I said, it’s not idle curiosity on my part, although I do admit I am very curious. I know what the monster is and I know he had been haunting you. Now he’s after Kellemar. People say you set him on the prince, but that is not possible. I’ve been trying to solve this riddle for quite a while.”
    I figured I’d better get it over with.
    “It was done by a sparkling. Not Jarvi, another one. He fought the monster off and told him that Faradin, king of spirits, would burn him alive if he comes near me again. And since the beast was so intent on chasing someone, the sparkling gave him a new target.”
    Triar appeared to be deep in thought.
    “I see,” he said after a long pause. “Faradin’s direct interference… That does not happen very often. Do you know where Prince Kellemar is now?”
    Was he ever going to get back to business?
    “I don’t, and I don’t care.”
    He gave a half-smile. “Do I sense some hostility here?”
    “Yes, and with good reason!” My patience was wearing thin. “Now Triar, with all due respect, shall we stop wasting time? Let’s try to figure out what the second deed could be.”
    The hermit leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms.
    “That’s what I’ve been doing, and I think I have it lined up for you.” Having enjoyed my confusion for a moment or two, he went on. “Prince Kellemar happens to be in quite a predicament right now. If you help him out, I believe the Deed of Cool Mind will be taken care of.”
    “Is this a joke?”
    I looked at him. Indeed, he was serious.
    “I’m not doing it. I will not help my enemy.”
    “You call him your enemy? Excellent. Just what we need.”
    “What are you talking about?”
    Triar leaned forward. “Don’t you understand what the Deed of Cool Mind is? It means doing something because it’s right, in spite of what your emotions may be. Kellemar is a perfect choice. You dislike him, he probably returns the sentiment. Helping him will not be easy. Do it, and you will prove that your mind is stronger than personal likes or dislikes.”
    I gave it some thought. Prince Kellemar of Dalvanna… There was a time when I vowed to kill him. Then, after Ellar’s intervention, he got what he deserved, and I had pretty much dismissed him from

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