My Two Doms
as if the entire world stopped with the anticipation of that first sound of cutting fabric. And then came the soft shriiipp of the denim parting to the sharp blades of his scissors. Haley sighed, and her womb burned with need. She could feel the back side of the blade sliding along her bare skin as Jason worked his way up to the hem of the skirt. He caught the elastic of her panties too, and just as easily, they were cut away from her.
    Gregory leaned over her and ripped open her shirt, the snaps seeming to pop with the same pent-up emotion Haley felt.
    She heard the final snap as the scissor blades came together, and Jason pulled her skirt from beneath her. He snipped through the other side of her panties and pulled those off as well. He threw them aside.
    “Get the bra too, will you?” Gregory asked. Jason leaned down and slid the shears beneath the front of the bra, right between Haley’s breasts. Again she felt the cool metal against her flesh, which seemed to be growing more and more sensitive with each passing second. He cut that, and then each strap, and pulled the useless bit of fabric away.
    Haley now hung there, completely bare save for the shirt scrunched around her shoulders. The cross breeze that traveled through the barn wafted over her clean-shaven pussy. Haley felt relieved that she had taken the time this morning to clean up down there. Here she was completely exposed. And she knew, before long, others in the barn would take notice and decide to watch what Jason and Gregory did to her. She hoped Jason could take it. She knew he must feel some awful pressure tonight, and her heart swelled with… What? Love? That he made that sacrifice for me ? It almost felt like that was exactly the feeling, but she couldn’t really believe it.
    She could feel the dampness between her legs increase at the thought. She loved being on display. Could both her men handle it? Would they push and shove for the limelight? Would they try to upstage each other? No. Jason will defer to Gregory tonight . Haley knew he wasn’t ready to take the chief role. He had to work out his own issues. She loved that Gregory would be the man to lead him through this. Gregory was a calm but firm dom. A teacher almost, who—if he could put aside the feelings of ownership he had for Haley—could really help Jason discover who he was and how amazing this relationship with her could be.
    She didn’t let herself remember the caveat Gregory had put on this play. Only for the weekend. Then make a decision. Haley denied that option right now. No, she wanted to be absorbed in the play, and negative thoughts would only ruin it.
    Gregory turned the wheel, allowing her a moment’s upright respite. She sighed as the blood flowed back into her limbs. Jason stepped forward and ran his hands up and down her body. “Everything feel all right?” he asked.
    Haley nodded.
    “What?” Jason narrowed his eyes slightly to illustrate the warning in that word.
    “I mean, yes, Sir.”
    Then Jason bent and set to work loosening one of her ankle cuffs. He strapped another cuff around her knee and hoisted her leg up, spreading her farther apart. He fastened one of the rings from that cuff to the wheel and then refastened the ankle cuff at a new point. Now Haley lay suspended, her right leg down, her left pulled up at the hip, bent at the knee, and secured.
    “I think she’s ready,” Jason told Gregory.
    Ready for what? Haley wondered. She felt her heartbeat quicken and her nipples tighten further in the breeze. Sure enough, other guests had started gathering around the wheel. Giddiness built in the bottom of Haley’s gut, layering on top of her desire.
    Gregory leaned forward and brushed his lips across hers. “I think you’d better check to see for sure,” he said to Jason.
    “My pleasure.” Jason ran a hand down her torso, palming the smooth plane of her belly, and then slid over her bare mound.
    He dipped a finger in, and Haley strained her hips forward

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