My Vampire Prince

My Vampire Prince by T. Skye Sutton

Book: My Vampire Prince by T. Skye Sutton Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. Skye Sutton
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he will pick me up at five. I give him a goodbye kiss and he leaves. As soon as he is gone I dial my dad, I don ’ t really want him to know that I haven ’ t told my dad about him yet.
                  My dad picks up on the second ring. I decide I am going to be super sweet and call him daddy, maybe that will soften the blow. I have always been a daddy ’ s girl and he is pretty protective of me. He never really yells at me, but I hate to disappoint him, I think the look on his face is worse than his yelling. “ Hey daddy. How are you? I have someone to tell you about daddy! ” I say it like I am super excited rather than nervous, maybe he will feed off of my emotion and be excited to. I doubt it. “ Slow down Vicky, you sound like your so keyed up that you could jump out of your skin. Now who is this person that you are so excited about? ”
                  He ’ s very serious. My plan on sounding so excited hasn ’ t worked as well as I thought. I will keep it up, maybe it will work … at last I hope it works. “ I met a man daddy! A wonderful man! His name is Lliam! ” I pause for a moment to see if my dad will say anything, and he doesn ’ t. I tell him about Lliam, I tell him how happy Lliam makes me to. He isn ’ t getting any more excited. “ Daddy, I want you to come meet him. ” I say sort of apprehensively. “ When? ” he asked sounding short with me. “ Tonight … around five thirty or six o ’ clock. Please say you will come daddy. ” I say, all but begging him to come.
                  A few seconds pass, and no response. I assume that he is taking it all in. I mean, I did just lay a lot on him. Here I have been single for almost four years and I call him out of the blue to say I met a guy and I want him to meet him tonight, Finally, he agrees, thank God. “ Daddy, I have to go, and tonight, please take it easy on him daddy. I really do love him. ” I had to throw in that last part so he know how serious I am.
                  I hang up the phone and start getting ready to close up shop. It is almost five now, I was on the phone with my dad for what seemed like an eternity. Lliam walks up at exactly five o ’ clock. I am just sliding my doors closed as he walks in. We walk hand in hand to his car and drive to my house talking quietly about our day. He seems a little nervous. “ Its ok babe, don ’ t worry. My friends and family will love you just as much as I do. ” I grab his hand and stroke his thumb with my finger. My touch seems to calm him down, though I can still sense the tension.
                  We pull up to my drive way; Ellen, Lianna, and my mom are already here waiting for us. I hug them all and we head into my house. Surprisingly, Lliam and Seamus have already set my dining room table and placed dinner on the counter. Steaks, corn, potatoes, dinner rolls, and champagne. I thought champagne was for celebrations and wine for meeting new people, but hey, Mr. Right can do this any way he wants. I snigger to myself. 
                  We all sit in my living room with champagne glasses in our hands. We are talking and everyone seems to really like Lliam. My dad finally walks in, fashionably late. I can instantly tell that he really doesn ’ t want to be here. I hope he isn ’ t hard on Lliam. I introduce him to Lliam and we all head to my dining room for dinner.
                  Lliam is sitting next to me, Ellen is at one end, Lianna at the other, and my parents sit next to each other across from Lliam and I. My parents have been separated for a long time, but when they think something is serious, a stranger would never know they weren ’ t happily in love. Everyone is asking Lliam a million questions, giving him the fifth degree. I am sure he notices that everyone likes him, but his uneasiness is getting stronger. The worst part is over, I just don ’ t understand why he is still so

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