Mystics 3-Book Collection
others like it. She’s ready. She should be with the other kids. It
makes no sense to put her back into a foster home.”
    “Will you vouch for her then?” said Agent
Johnson, his voice even.
    Agent Barnes gave a nod of his head. “I
will. Little Red here’s got a lot of spunk. She has street smarts,
and she’s proven that she’s capable all on her own. I think she’ll
be a great addition to the program—the other kids could learn from
her. I would be glad to have her on my team.”
    Zoey stared at Agent Barnes. Her heart
swelled with respect and admiration for him. No one had ever spoken
so highly about her before. She wanted to hug him.
    “So it’s settled then,” said director
    He smiled warmly at Zoey. “Zoey St. John
will join the operative program on a trial basis. She can board
with the out-of-towners at the Wander Inn. All in favor?” He raised
his right hand and looked to the other directors.
    Slowly, director Johnson and director
Campbell raised their hands, but director Martin’s hands stayed
flat on the desk. He glowered at Zoey.
    “Majority wins,” said director Hicks.
“Welcome to your new home Zoey St. John. I hope you’ll enjoy it
here and make lots of new friends.”
    Zoey sat silently for a moment.
    “Really?” she said finally, trying hard to
hide her excitement, although she wanted to jump up from her chair
and start dancing.
    “Really,” said director Hicks.
    Zoey grinned widely. “Thank you, thank you
very much. You won’t be sorry, I promise.” And when she looked over
to Agent Barnes, he gave her two thumbs up and looked very pleased
with himself.
    “Agent Barnes, please escort our newest
member to the Wander Inn, they have already prepared her room.”
    “Right away, director Hicks.”
    After Agent Barnes had acknowledged the last
of the directors with a nod of his head, he steered Zoey out the
door—but not before she heard Director Hicks call out, “Good luck,
    As they made their way down the hall, Agent
Barnes laughed. “Thought you were going to faint in there—you were
as white as a sheet.”
    Zoey felt a weight leave her as she stepped
out the room. “I was more worried about being sick than fainting. I
don’t think director Martin would have liked that very much.”
    Agent Barnes laughed. “No, I don’t think he
would have.”
    The outcome was better than Zoey had
expected and her memories of life with foster mother number 28
began to fade. But even as she walked back she was still worried by
the uncertainty in the faces of some of the directors. It was
almost like they felt she wasn’t good enough to be
there—like somehow her presence would taint the rest of the
Sevenths like a bad apple. Being a Drifter, it seemed, was
very similar to being an orphan .
    Tainted by association.
    They descended the stairs, passed the lobby,
and went out the front doors. Zoey followed Agent Barnes across a
smooth lawn. The moon shone down and cast long and looming
    About fifteen yards behind the agency, stood
a white-stone building the size of a large cottage. It had black
shutters and a welcoming wrap-around porch. Lights shone from the
inside, and a hand-painted wooden sign on the front post said The Wander Inn .
    Agent Barnes walked up to the front door.
“This is where the out-of-town Sevenths stay when they’re visiting.
It’s your new home. It’s not as fancy as a hotel, but it’s real
cozy. Just what an inn should be.”
    Zoey followed him in.
    They walked into a living area where a man
reading a book sat comfortably in a large chair facing a fireplace.
Two sofas faced each other on a plush deep red Persian carpet, and
the room had a cozy feel. A large staircase led to the upper floor,
and on the opposite side was a dining area with a variety of small
wood tables and chairs. It reminded Zoey of the little café shops
she used to go to back in the city. The smell of cooked food
brought water to Zoey’s mouth. Only then did she

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