Naked Justice

Naked Justice by William Bernhardt Page B

Book: Naked Justice by William Bernhardt Read Free Book Online
Authors: William Bernhardt
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for him by now. What with all the noise and the screaming and goddamn Harvey next door, they must know by now. Can’t keep secrets in this town, no sirree. He’d learned that a long time ago.
    He clenched the steering wheel all the tighter. They’d be looking for him.
    … gotta go … gotta get out … gotta go … gotta get away from here … gotta get away from here before it’s too late …
    In the dead center of the turnpike, he saw a red pickup aimed straight for him, headlights blinding. He clenched his eyes shut and swerved to the right. The pickup whooshed past, missing him by inches. He suddenly realized he’d been driving down the center of the highway. Driving down the center, going about ninety, not knowing the difference.
    He was going to die tonight, wasn’t he? Jesus God, that was what this was all about. Meeting his Maker. Paying for his sins. It wasn’t fair that they should die and he should live. He had to die, too. That’s what he was doing out here in the dark on the turnpike. He was going to kill himself.
    He realized he was breathing in gasps, practically hyperventilating. Go ahead, he told himself. Do it. That would be a nice touch. And you’ll die all the quicker.
    His hands were so wet they kept slipping off the wheel, sending him careening in one direction or the other. I wonder if it’s made the news yet? he thought. Wonder if I’m getting a good spin?
    One way to find out. He snapped on the radio. He didn’t have to wait long.
    “… police are chasing Mayor Wallace Barrett down the Indian Nation Turnpike eighty miles south of Tulsa. Reports indicate that he is driving at an excessive speed in an extremely erratic manner, and that he does not respond to overtures from the police caravan. Conflicting reports continue to come in from the scene of the crime. Once again: Mayor Barrett’s wife, Caroline Barrett, and their two young children, Alysha, age eight, and Annabelle, age four, have been murdered. We will continue to update this story as new information emerges.”
    He shut it off. Police caravan? What the hell were they talking about? He checked the rearview mirror.
    The bright, almost blinding glare of headlights shone back at him.
    As he rose up the next hill, he spotted at least four separate sets of headlights.
    They’d found him. In almost no time at all.
    He rolled down his window, sending the car swerving back and forth across the center line. The wind rushed past his head, making a thundering noise, blotting out almost everything else.
    “Pull your vehicle to the side of the road!”
    The command came from the cop car just behind him, practically tailgating, as close behind as they could risk getting to a car going ninety, anyway. Someone barked another command, but he couldn’t make it out. Didn’t matter. He couldn’t stop now. Couldn’t.
    … gotta go … gotta keep going …
    He heard something else, something that had been there all along but was so drowned out by the wind he hadn’t distinguished it. A chopping noise. From overhead.
    He stared up into space. It was a helicopter! But not a police copter. The huge channel number painted on the side glistened in the darkness. Someone was speaking to him through an electronic megaphone. He could barely make out the words.
    “ Mister Mayor! ”
    Yeah, that’s me. Mister Mayor—that was what the reporters in town always called him. So they not only knew where he was, but who he was.
    “Mister Mayor!” The wind swept the words away, making them almost unintelligible. “Did you do it?”
    Jesus God. They knew everything. And they had minicams. He knew the new infrared models didn’t need much light. He was on television! The whole goddamn stupid chase was on television. He saw the cameras, saw the blinking red lights. Two of them, at least. Hell, it was a better turnout than he had for his last press conference.
    He heard some static from behind, barked commands from the cop cars. The police were trying to get

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