Never Burn A Witch: A Rowan Gant Investigation
Leviticus twenty twenty-seven was highlighted. A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a
wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with
stones; their blood shall be upon them. ”
    “Really,” I finally muttered. “I would
have expected Isaiah fifty-seven three. But
draw near hither, ye sons of the sorceress, the seed of the
adulterer and the whore .”
    “Shit, Rowan! You quote Bible verses
    “I’ve told you before, Ben, I may be a
Witch, but I’m a student of religions in general. It’s how I stay
on top of what I’m being accused of, and, whom I’m being accused by.”
    Again my skin burned with an un-quelled itch,
and I dug my fingers in, working at it through the material of my
    “Somethin’ wrong with your arm?” Ben asked,
pointing to indicate my sudden preoccupation with the task.
    “Just an itch. Probably nerves.” I forced
myself to stop clawing at the bother and focus on the conversation.
“Did you find anything else?”
    “Other than the Bible, duct tape, and the
washcloths, just her clothing and about a grand in sex toys an’
leather goods, if ya’ know what I mean. Place had been wiped clean
as far as prints go… And all the blood on the sheets was hers.”
    “No semen or fresh evidence of sexual
    “Not accordin’ to the M.E. so far, but what’s
it matter? She was a hooker. Somethin’ like that wouldn’t be
    “Just trying to get a handle on what this guy
is thinking. It wasn’t unusual for inquisitors to rape their
victims as a part of the torture.” I explained. “The things they
did in the name of their God were the only true depravities... They
were, to say the least, a rather sick lot. Of course, if there’s no
evidence of intercourse, then that could well establish that he
isn’t doing this for kicks. In my mind, that makes him even more
frightening.” Ben was noting my questions as well as my
explanations in his pad as we went along. He looked up from his
quick scribbling and peered at me quietly for a moment.
    “You seem pretty stuck on this whole
Inquisition thing,” he commented. “You really think since he didn’t
screw her that he isn’t just some sick fuck that got off on carvin’
this chick up? I mean, look at her customers. That S&M shit
goes both ways, ya’know.”
    “The Monogram
of Christ is definitely one sign,” I answered. “It was
put there for a reason. It wasn’t random or even an afterthought.
It was placed on her inner thighs to purify her because of her
profession. The killer was seeking to cleanse the ‘whore.’ Another
thing would be the Bible and the highlighted verse.”
    “So maybe he’s just after hookers.”
    “I doubt it. Remember, the Bible verse
highlighted mentioned wizardry and having a familiar spirit,
something heavily associated with The Craft. Also, she had a
Pentacle tattooed on her upper back. A tattoo, mole, or birthmark
in that area would have been considered a Devil’s Mark during the Burning Times. It would
have signified that she consorted with Satan, as all Witches were
believed to have done. Let’s not forget the fact that she was
tortured using a Pear .
Medieval torture devices aren’t what I would consider standard fare
for someone out to kill hookers. No, he was definitely looking to
get a confession out of her.”
    “How could she confess anything if she was
    “She wouldn’t have needed to confess anything
verbally. Besides, whoever did this obviously removed the gag at
some point.”
    “Okay, but ya don’t know for a fact
that he used that pear thing. The doc just said somethin ’ was inserted. And besides, that Wicked
Witch of the West End shit was just a street name she used. She
wasn’t really a Witch... I mean not like you and Felicity,
    “I can’t say for certain, Ben. We don’t
exactly carry union cards you know. Just because I’m a Witch it
doesn’t mean I know every other Witch

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