Never Ever Leave Me

Never Ever Leave Me by Elly Grant

Book: Never Ever Leave Me by Elly Grant Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elly Grant
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be home until morning, but he didn’t lock the deadbolt just in case he’d got it wrong.  He was very relieved to be back home and alone in his room, comfortable with the solitude.

    When Katy opened her diary the single word ‘flat!?’ stared back at her.  Today’s the day, she thought, another new beginning perhaps.  She was very apprehensive, actually shaking with nerves, as she made her way downstairs from her room to the hallway to wait for Tricia to arrive.
    “Remember, Hen, you can reject this one if it’s a shit hole,” Marie said when she came out of the communal room to offer Katy her support.  You can reject the first two and they’ll still offer you another so dinnae think you have to agree to take it.”
    “I hear what you’re saying, Marie, but remember my circumstances are a bit different from the rest of you, I don’t have children and because I’ve been offered a job, I now have means of support.  I suppose I’m lucky to be offered anything.  I should be at the bottom of the list.”
    “Still, don’t be pushed into accepting if it’s nae good,” Marie persisted.  “You still have rights, you know.”
    A few minutes later Katy heard Tricia’s taxi pull up outside.  She quickly gave Marie a hug and said goodbye.  Then, as she opened the front door she turned, “Wish me luck.  See you later,” she said.
    “Aye, be lucky, Hen,” Marie replied.  “We’ll still be here when you get back.”
    When Katy climbed into the cab Tracy was on her mobile and she seemed harassed.
    “I’ve said I’ll be over this afternoon.  Continually telephoning me makes no difference.  I’ve other calls booked in first.  Make yourself a cup of tea an d hold tight, I’ll see you soon.” Tricia rolled her eyes.  “A poor wee soul with dementia,” she explained as she hung up.  “Sorry about that, how are you today?”
    “Fine thanks, I’m absolutely fine, a bit apprehensive maybe.”
    “Don’t worry, it’s a good building and lots of students live in the area.  That always helps.”
    Katy wasn’t exactly sure what it was that the presence of students helped, but she chose not to ask.   It took fifteen minutes to get to the apartment block.  As they stepped out of the taxi she looked up and up and up.
    “How many floors are there?” she asked.
    “Twenty-four and we’re going to the top,” Tricia replied.  “We’re meeting Bill Martin from the Housing Association at the flat.  He’s got the keys,” she explained.
    There was a strong gust of wind.  It blew the leaves on the ground into a spiral and lifted them into the air.
    “Does the building sway when it’s windy,” Katy asked nervously.  “It looks rather precarious.”
    “Only a bit,” Tricia replied, “Don’t worry you’ll get used to it, everybody does.”
    She was about to laugh when to her horror, she realised Tricia wasn’t joking.  There was an electronic panel on the wall at the entranceway and Tricia pressed the button for the concierge.  After stating their purpose they were buzzed into the building and Katy was relieved to see that the vestibule was clean and bright.  Soon they were in one of the three lifts and making their way to the top floor.  The lift was equipped with CCTV and, as the doors closed, the confined space smelled distinctly of urine.  Katy wrinkled her nose.
    “People always pee in lifts in Glasgow , and doorways and phone boxes,” Tricia said as if the information would make the habit more acceptable.
    Katy was surprised that someone would urinate in the lift when they’d clearly be seen on camera and she wondered how much effect the concierge actually had.  When they alighted at the top floor the door facing them was open and a short, stocky man with a ruddy complexion was waiting to show them inside.  Tricia quickly greeted Bill and introduced Katy.
    “The old lady who lived here didn’t die,” he stated.  “She’s in a home.  So don’t worry

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