Never Let Go

Never Let Go by Deborah Smith

Book: Never Let Go by Deborah Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deborah Smith
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance
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voice, smooth and sexy as warm bourbon.
    Dinah whirled around. " Sir ," she said drolly, putting her hands on her hips, "You're supposed to be at the church."
    "I got lonely. And I don't like to do what I'm supposed to do. You know that." Rucker stood there, a devilish but distracted smile on his face as his eyes roamed over her,
    "How did you sneak past Millie?"
    "I didn't. I'll have you know my tough little secretary's a romantic at heart." He paused. "And I promised her two extra days of vacation."
    He wore a black tux with a white cummerbund. The white shirt had an old-fashioned wing-tip collar. He looked so handsome and gallant and utterly provocative that her knees went weak. He started toward her, his stride slow and purposeful, his body poised for action.
    Laughing under her breath, she began to back away, tottering a little as the heels other white pumps caught on the carpet. "It's bad luck for you to see me before the wedding."
    "It's bad luck for me to see you in your weddin' dress," he corrected. His gaze moved down the low-cut bodice of her minislip to her garter straps and bare thighs. "Lord, Dee, that's not weddin' underwear. That's not proper at all."
    Her face flushing with pleasure, she touched the slip's lacy hem. "I wanted to surprise you."
    She kept backing, angling around the corner of the bed. He followed nonchalantly, knowing she couldn't run too far and that she didn't really want to escape. "Oh, I'm not surprised," he said in a low, gruff tone. "I've always known that there was a wild woman behind that southern-belle smile. Com'ere, Scarlett."
    "Why, Rhett..." Dinah bumped into the wall beside the bed. Smiling, her chin up, she pointed to her intricately braided and upswept hair. "This took two hours. You don't want to be responsible for the damages."
    He closed in on her, slid an arm around her waist, and pressed himself to her, gently pinning her to the wall. His mouth almost brushing hers, he murmured, "Our kids'll see the weddin' pictures some day and say, 'Momma, how come you look like a hen that's just been electrified?' And you can tell 'em that Daddy ruffled your feathers."
    "As usual." Sighing with exaggerated defeat, she wound both hands into his hair and pulled him to her for a long, intimate kiss.
    He drew his fingers up the center of her back. They slid across the nape of her neck, caressing languidly. Something cool trickled down the center of her chest and stopped just above her breasts. "Surprise," he whispered.
    Dinah tucked her chin and gazed at the diamond and sapphire pendant that hung from a slender golden chain. "Oh, no."
    "What?" he asked anxiously, and cupped her face between his hands.
    "I'm going to ruin my makeup." She looked up at him with teary eyes. "But I don't care." Dinah kissed him tenderly, then put her arms around his neck and hugged him. "It's beautiful." She whispered into his ear, "Put your fingers between my breasts."
    He drew back and gazed at her with feigned shock. "If I'd known jewelry would get me this much fun, I'd have given you some the night we met."
    Dinah chuckled. He trailed one hand down to her breasts and gently slipped his forefinger into their warm valley. His eyes widened with intrigue. "You carryin' a bus ticket in case you get bored with the honeymoon? I don't think you can get a bus home from Acapulco."
    "Be careful. It's pinned to my bra."
    Thoroughly fascinated, he cocked his head and examined her bosom. Using both hands, he unfastened the small white envelope nestled between her breasts. "Hmmm, can't resist," he noted, then placed a kiss on the top of each one. He straightened, looking curiously at the envelope in his hand. Dinah stroked his shoulders and watched him with devotion. "You were supposed to find it later, but I can't wait. Open it."
    He reached Inside and retrieved the contents. An incredulous smile appeared beneath his thick mustache. "How did you get a pair of tickets to the Masters Tournament! Nobody can get these tickets!

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