Night Marks

Night Marks by Amber Lynn

Book: Night Marks by Amber Lynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amber Lynn
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injured in any way,” he says. I can tell from his tone he is really hoping he can punish me.
    I don’t expect anything to happen, but it is a bit rare these days for me to go out of the house and not find myself in some sort of altercation. Practically any injury that takes place will heal within a few hours, so I am not worried about him finding out.
    “Ah, but these days healing wounds are harder to hide, aren’t they baby.”
    “Shut up and go take care of your own business,” I shout from the closet. He has already left the apartment and is on his floor. I will have to figure out the range on his mind reading. There has to be a limit, right?
    “We taking the car or jet?” Jonas asks as I am pulling on some stretchy combat pants. They would be black, like the rest of the clothing that will be joining them on my body. It happens to be my favorite color, if you haven’t heard.
    “It’s just a hop, skip, and a jump away. How about I fly and you guys drive?” I ask knowing what kind of response will be coming.
    “So, car it is,” Jonas replies and I can sense the smirk in his voice.
    “You are going to have to get over it one of these days, big guy.”
    “Or I will have to just clip the wings, girlie girl. I have never lost a charge before. That kind of thing doesn’t just disappear from my mind.”
    “I doubt any of your charges were able to kick your ass, well maybe Alex, but the rest of them were pansies to begin with, so they had to put up with you.” Matching top joins pants and many knives join top to finish my ensemble.
    I grab a bag and throw a couple outfits, including some of my disguises and some of my heavy lifting weapons in. I am insisting on taking my Suburban, but even armed to the teeth, I can never have enough artillery.
    I pack my gun holster and my back knife. I have learned road trips longer than down the street become painful with them in place. The knife sheaths I am currently wearing come with a no chafing guarantee and I like to test it out every chance I get.
    Thinking I am ready, I pause and look in the mirror to find birds must have nested overnight. “Eek!” I can see how watching the Bride of Frankenstein scarf down bacon may have frightened the fellers.
    I imagine, it was the combination of the two and not just my speed eating that caused the shocked expressions on their faces.
    A quick brush through my hair and a ponytail later, I am officially ready.
    “Let’s blow this banana shop and see how many humans we can freak out.”
    “Aye, aye Captain,” Jake replies joining me at the elevator.
    “Oh, did you sharpen your little girlie fangs?” Jonas asks winking. “You know showing them off is the only way you will get a rise out of the norms.”
    Jake finds the comment funny and adds, “I can see it now, ‘Oh help me Mommy, the scary vampire that is shorter than me is going to bite me’.”
    “Obviously, size isn’t everything, jackass. If it was, your past lady friends probably asked for a refund.”
    “Hey, don’t be dissing Hank. The only place he can be associated with the word small is in the antonym part of the definition.”
    “I am going to pretend you didn’t just tell me your penis is named Hank.” Wanting to get away from this turn in the conversation, I skip ahead to the Suburban and stow my gear.
    “It’s a great name,” he claims joining me and situating himself in the backseat.
    “Whatever.” I jump in the driver’s seat and wait for Jonas to take his place next to me before I start the SUV and pull out.
    Not long ago, I would say you were crazy if you told me I would prefer sitting next to Jonas over Jake. When we first met, Jonas hated me with a passion. I could do no right in his eyes. Push a guy out of the way of an incoming bullet and the hate just disappears. Not that I recommend trying that, but it worked well for me.
    Even being bosom buddies, Jonas still operates with a filter when it comes to talking to me, which is something Jake

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