Night's Awakening

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Book: Night's Awakening by Donna Grant Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Grant
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Contemporary, Paranormal
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but didn’t speak either.
    She tried not to make more of it than it was and quickly put on her own clothes. Though they were a reminder of Sloan’s death.
    For the next hour, Elena hobbled around the room. She’d sprained that ankle before, and it had taken several days before she could put any kind of weight on it. The pain that had filled her when she was first brought to the mansion was gone. Just a little twinge every now and again.
    It was just odd to have an injury heal so quickly. Then she remembered Guy’s hands after he’d brought her down the cliff. There had been so much blood. For a moment, she thought she might have seen his wound heal, but she must have imagined it. Right?
    Elena looked down at her ankle. The conversation she’d heard outside her door about midnight flights came to mind. There was something going on at Dreagan. Whatever it was, they wanted it kept private.
    She checked windows to see if she could escape. The windows opened, but it was a sheer drop from the third floor to the ground. A fall in her current condition would only make things worse.
    A glance out into the hall showed that someone stood at the stairs. She couldn’t tell who it was, but she saw the shadow. Which meant, she couldn’t walk out of the mansion as she’d hoped.
    “Well, hell,” she mumbled.
    She wasn’t keen on waiting around to discover what Con would do to her. Guy might believe her, but she could see the others weren’t so open minded.
    The fact that they were hiding something was obvious. But what could it be? Drugs? Money laundering?
    She quickly threw out those ideas. There was money at Dreagan, but none of the people she had met were the drug or money-laundering type.
    It had to be something different, something she wasn’t thinking of.
    “Guy said it was life or death for them,” she muttered.
    After another hour of trying to determine what the mystery was, Elena felt her ankle throbbing from all the walking. She’d been on it too long. With a sigh, she returned to the bed and stared at the ceiling.
    She licked her lips, her heart racing as images of her and Guy in the shower played through her mind. The man knew how to touch her, knew how to give her the most wickedly intense pleasure.
    Her breasts swelled just thinking of him thrusting inside her. She might have always played it safe, but up until she met Guy, she’d never wanted to throw caution to the wind before.
    With him, however, everything had changed.
    And it scared the shit out of her because she realized what the attraction meant.
    It meant she was likely to do something rash and reckless again. Which could be why she wasn’t too upset about having to stay locked in such a gorgeous room, hoping Guy returned soon.
    “Please be alone,” she whispered.

Chapter Eight
    Guy walked out on Con and Rhys. It was the first time he had actually walked away from Con before. But he couldn’t stand to listen to them think of ways Elena was plotting against them.
    At least Banan was gone. He’d been sent to London to see what he could learn of Sloan, Elena, and PureGems.
    Guy paused outside Elena’s door. Con had asked him why he defended Elena. It wasn’t as if Guy could tell them he’d slept with her, that she occupied his thoughts until he saw her everywhere.
    How he wished Hal were there so he could talk to him. But he had to go it alone.
    “Bloody hell,” he murmured.
    He put his ear to the door but didn’t hear Elena. She’d been left alone nearly all day. Surely someone had gone to check on her. It hadn’t been his intention to be stuck in the mountain with the others, but with her information, it was necessary.
    Guy opened the door quietly and peeked in to find the fire dead and the lights out. It stayed light out well past midnight, and with the large windows, there wasn’t a need to have the lights on.
    He stepped into the room, his gaze riveted on Elena, who lay sleeping on the bed. Her blond waves were

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