Night's Awakening
looked up at her as she had done him.
    Her lips were parted, and her glorious sage green eyes were filled with passion. He slowly lifted her injured leg and placed it over his shoulder. His hands grabbed her hips to keep her steady.
    And then he licked her sex.
    She cried out his name, her head thrown back. It was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. Guy found her clitoris and continued to lave his tongue against the tiny nub.
    Her body trembled, her moans filling the small bathroom. But those moans turned to cries as he moved a finger inside her.
    She was so damned tight. He couldn’t wait to fill her. Guy could taste her pleasure on his tongue and knew she was close to orgasm. He moved his tongue and fingers faster, propelling her onward.
    He had only thought he’d seen radiance until he watched the pleasure erupt on Elena’s face as the climax hit her. He continued to lick her, dragging out her pleasure as long as he could.
    When he leaned back, Elena’s eyes were closed, her head back against the shower as the water flowed freely over her. He took her injured leg and held it as he slowly stood.
    Her eyes opened, and the smile she gave him made something move in his chest. He wrapped her left leg around him before he grabbed her hips and lifted her.
    The smile vanished as desire flared once more. Their lips met, breaths fused as he lowered her, slowly, onto his aching cock. She released a sigh when she was fully seated.

    Elena smoothed back the dark strands of Guy’s wet hair from his face so she could see him. The longing and need she saw reflected in his gaze made her stomach clench.
    He rocked against her, stretching her as he had filled her. She held on to him, her body no longer her own. It belonged to Guy now, and she feared it always would.
    His fingers dug into her hips as he slid in and out of her. Each plunge of his thick arousal sent her higher, her body tightening once again. Their lips met again with their tongues colliding in time with his thrust.
    The orgasm took her by surprise, flinging her skyward as her body was swathed in the bright glow of pleasure. She clung to Guy, his hips jerking as he quickened his pace.
    She watched, spellbound, as he threw back his head and gave a shout as he climaxed. He looked at her before drawing her into his arms, and for long minutes, they stood beneath the spray of the water, locked in each other’s arms.

Chapter Seven
    Guy would’ve been content to stay just as they were, but a knock on the door brought reality with it.
    Elena was the first to move. She searched his gaze, but Guy didn’t know what she looked for. When they heard the door close behind the servant who had brought the food, Guy pulled out of her and lowered her feet to the tub.
    Still, he wasn’t ready to leave her.
    “I just need to finish up,” she said. “And then I’ll be out.”
    “That was food being brought.” It sounded lame to him, but he wasn’t sure what to say.
    He then gave a nod and stepped out of the shower. He dried off and looked at his sodden clothes. With a sigh, he wrung the worst of the water out in the sink before taking the clothes to the fire to lay them out to dry.
    The last thing he wanted was be seen walking down the hall in a towel. Everyone would know what had happened, and he wasn’t ready for that.
    Not that he cared what they thought, but he wasn’t prepared for Elena to be interrogated again. Or worse, for her to learn what he was.
    It had torn Hal in two when Con had been the one to tell Cassie what they were. Cassie hadn’t run, but would Elena? And why was he even thinking about it?
    He’d wanted Elena, and she’d wanted him. It was that simple.
    Or so he thought until she stood in the doorway of the bathroom with her hair combed out and a towel wrapped around her.
    “They took my clothes. Even my panties.”
    Guy bit back a moan at the thought of her panties. Did she wear cotton or silk? Plain or lace? He desperately wanted to

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