No More Wasted Time
another set of ripples surging through
her. “Oh, God,” she whimpered.
    Making their way inside, Tess unbuttoned Tom’s shirt,
exploring the details of his carved chest and stomach, letting her fingers play
with the thin trail of dark hair leading into his jeans. Wanting to know the
full extent of the force pressing against her hips, she unbuttoned his jeans
with trembling fingers. Reaching in, she stroked the length of him and a low
groan escaped his lips.
    Nice .
    He reached down, taking hold of both of her hands. “Trust
me, Tess. Tonight is all about you.” Tom chuckled. “You can make it up to me
    “I trust you,” she whispered under his lips.
    He unzipped her dress, slipping it to the floor before
laying her back onto the bed. Tom took his time, sliding his fingers from the
hallow at the base of her neck to the center of her breasts, cupping one in his
hand. His warm, wet tongue tickled her nipple. He fastened his mouth over the
erect bud, taking it in and biting her tenderly before moving to the next.
    Caressing her hips, Tom’s lips traveled down between her
thighs. She hung her head over the edge of the bed as his talented tongue
explored the soft skin between her legs before sinking inside her. All of her
worries faded away under the strokes of his tongue. Tess didn’t take long,
peaking almost immediately. Tears stung the corners of her eyes as her release
came again and again. Gasping for air, she opened her eyes and lifted her head
to watch him.
    Rising up onto the palms of his hands, he pressed his body
on top of hers. Tess slipped her thumbs into the waistband of his jeans,
pushing them down past his hips. Raising her legs around his waist, her hands
took hold of his firm ass while her toes wriggled his jeans to his ankles. She
smiled up at him as she tossed his jeans to the floor with her toes.
    Tom drew her leg up around his hip. Seeking admittance, he
nudged her gently.
    In one swift move, she flipped him over onto his back. “Do
you mind if I drive for minute?” she grinned. “I’m a little nervous.”
    He let out a chuckle and quickly imitated her maneuver,
pinning Tess to the bed. “I know it’s been a long time for you. I promise I’ll
be nice, but I’ll last longer if I drive.”
    Tess relaxed, granting him access. Ever so gently, he eased
his ridge past her entrance, taking his time, slowly diving deep inside. What
she thought might be painful felt more like full-blown heaven.
    “Holy crap!” she cried out, peaking again five strokes in.
    “You okay?” Tom asked, halting his movement.
    “Oh yeah, don’t stop.”
    He remained still. “Don’t move, give me a sec.”
    She nodded in agreement, reaching up to kiss his lips.
“Maybe you should come now so we could start again in thirty minutes.”
      “Give me just a minute, I’ll be fine.” His dark eyes
stared into hers intently. “Okay, I’m good now.”
    He began to move again, slowly at first, then harder and
faster, giving himself to her fully. Raising her hips to meet his, she matched
him stroke-for-stroke. He spoke to her tenderly between eager kisses, “You feel
so good…The taste of your skin…I want you.”
    Tess yearned for control. She’d been anxious at first, but
didn’t want him to be under the impression she was a timid lover. She wanted
him to desire her without limits or boundaries, needing him to handle her
passionately, like a lover, not like a fragile widow.
    Without missing a beat, she rolled over on top of him. The
moon shone brightly through the open doors, allowing them to see each other
perfectly in the darkness. Her palms rested his chest as she stared down,
admiring his fit body. Her hips took control rhythmically, flowing to the sound
of the waves crashing against the outer reef.
    Tom stared back just as attentively. “You are so beautiful.”
He cupped her breasts, gently squeezing her nipples.
    Her passion laid dormant for over a year, but now she felt
alive, powerful and

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