No More Wasted Time
didn’t want to discuss work. She shared
stories of her kids, but kept them to a minimal.
    After dinner, they lay side-by-side on a white blanket Tayia
left for them. Tess stretched out on her back with her legs crossed at the
ankles, and Tom lie on his side with his head propped on his elbow. She hadn’t
felt sexy in a long time, but he made her feel unbelievably sensual. Every
stroke of his hand on her arm or back, sent a current of blistering heat
washing over her, filling the absence of longing and desire that had filled her
life over the last year. The simple act of brushing the hair from her eyes
caused her to lean closer into the warmth of his fingers. She wanted more,
needing him to touch her, so she could set free the raw need she’d buried for
too long.
    Deep in her own thoughts, she tried to deal with a multitude
of feelings. The sense of betrayal loomed heavily, but so did the burning ache
between her thighs. She bordered on the edge of virgin-ish nervous. It might
hurt. Not to mention I might get off before we even get started .
    Shadows from Tiki torches flickered across Tom’s face as he
stroked her arm from shoulder to wrist. “Tess, are you still sure about this?” 
    “I’m sure. It’s just…it’s been a long time. I’m a little
nervous.” She smiled timidly. “How long do we have before he comes back to pick
us up?”
    “Did you forget already? You’re supposed to trust me. No
    They stared up at the star-filled sky, listening to the
waves roll onto the beach. He delicately traced her collarbone and neck. As his
fingertip reached her lips, she rolled her tongue around it and heard him sigh
    Tom stood up, holding out his hand to Tess. They strolled
along the beach and gazed out at the moon hanging over the ocean. He turned to
face her and pulled her into his arms. Her heartbeat turned unruly as his head
dropped, grazing his parted lips over her temple. Tilting her face toward his,
Tess tensed and held her breath. He made a quiet sound of amusement and rested
his palms on the sides of her neck. “Breathe, Tess, just breathe.”
    Tom’s tongue drifted down her neck and back to her lips,
playing slowly with her tongue. The warmth of his sweet mouth tasted so good
that she instantaneously began to kiss him back. She had suppressed her need to
feel desire for a man, hidden the longing of a man’s hands on her flesh and
buried her cravings in sleepless nights full of tears.
    Taking pleasure in the heat of his mouth, she began to shake
uncontrollably. All of her emotions came rushing to the surface, covering her
in a tingling sensation. His fingers threaded through her hair and cradled her
face with his thumbs. Teasing her, he plunged his tongue deeper, sending
pulsating waves rippling through her very core. Craving more, she wrapped her
arms around his neck and molded her body to his. Feeling his erection, she
urgently thrust her hips forward searching for more. Her heart hammered
violently in her chest as her fingers twisted through his dark hair. Tess
pressed forward taking his mouth with hot, wet, indecent kisses, savoring the
flavor of his lips.
    He eased back and placed his palm over her pounding heart.
“Easy,” he whispered with a smoldering laugh. Both chuckled as she buried her
face in his chest.
    Tom led her away from the beach up into the palm trees. The
darkness concealed a bungalow tucked between lush foliage and palm trees.
    “Holy crap! Is this for us?” Tess gasped.
    “It’s beautiful,” Were the only words she could utter before
he drew her into his arms, kissing her fervently, keeping up with her hungry
    Standing under the starlit sky, he slid his hands down the
small of her back, following the curve of her ass, grasping it with the perfect
amount of tension. Tess softly moaned aloud, encouraging him to press himself
firmly against her. He clutched her ribcage and brushed his thumb over the
material covering her nipple, sending

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