No More Wasted Time
sexy. She wanted to be beautiful for him. Tess gently
removed his hands from her breasts and replaced them with her own. Raising her
hips up high and then diving down, she crested waves of sheer pleasure. Her
head dropped forward as she slowed down momentarily before the next set of
breakers, building deep within her came crashing in again. 
    Tess lifted the damp hair from her neck, so the ocean breeze
would cool the sweat trickling down her back. Tom gripped her hips and held her
still, but she shook her head no, wanting to ride freely no matter what the
cost. “You don’t have to wait, it’s okay.” He released his grip, letting her
have her way.  
    Knowing his gaze would follow hers, Tess eased her hips back
and gazed down to watch their bodies connecting intimately.
    Peaking together this time, he let out a low groan, “Jesus,
    She collapsed on top of him, sucking in air, trying to catch
her breath.
    Minutes later she panted, “Whew. Thanks!”
    “Thanks? You’re seriously thanking me?” he choked, bursting
into a shocked laughter. “If anything, I should be the one saying thanks.
You’re fucking amazing. Damn, Tess.”
    Completely embarrassed, she giggled. “Not like that! You
know what I mean! Thanks for waiting.”
    “My pleasure.” He laughed, pulling her tightly beside him.
    Tess curled into the crook of his arm and hitched her leg up
over his hip. Tom stared up at the ceiling, languorously playing with a strand
of her hair. Her body felt heavy and sedated. Lying in the arms of another man
was somewhere she never expected to venture again. This was the first time
she’d ever engaged in casual relationship, a fling, a spontaneous affair. As
she peered up at Tom, nothing felt casual. Feeling the weight of uncharted
territory, she released a shaky breath of air she’d been holding. He’s just
a rendezvous. He’s just a vacation. You can’t keep him .
    He smiled at her and gathered her closer into his arm,
brushing a kiss against her hair. “When’s the last time you had fun, Tess?”
    “Other than the last few days? It’s been awhile.”
    He turned on his side and propped up on his elbow, drifting
the tip of his finger over the contours of her neck and collarbone. “That’s
about to change. Cause we’re going to have a great time together. You up
for that?”
     She nodded. “I’m up for anything.” With you . She
added silently, settling into his arms and drifting off to sleep.

    She woke to the sound of a boat in the distance, but Tom was
nowhere in sight. She rose onto her elbows, marveling at the plush rustic
interiors of the bungalow that she hadn’t seen the night before. Woven bamboo
paper covered the walls and several vases of freshly cut tropical flowers
adorned the room. As she stood, a balmy breeze rustled the thatched roofing.
Stiff, sore muscles brought a blush to her cheeks, remembering the night
    The bungalow was completely exposed to the outdoors. Tess
meandered toward the luxurious indoor, yet open to the outdoor bathroom. “Wow,”
she whispered. All of her things lay on a counter next to a stone basin,
perched atop a smooth tree trunk. She brushed her teeth and climbed back into
    She spotted Tom walking down the beach with coffee and
breakfast. He sauntered into the room, giving her a cheeky smile and a big kiss
on the lips. “Morning, are you hungry?”
    “I’m starving.”
    “I thought you might be.” He chuckled. Tom set breakfast on
the table and grabbed his camera, snapping a picture of her half-wrapped in the
sheet and her hair blowing in the gentle breeze.
    “Hey, you better erase that one,”  Tess complained.
    “No way! You look scrumptious. I like this one.”
     After they enjoyed breakfast, Tom slid out of his jeans and
they ambled naked down to the beach to swim in the lagoon.
    “I never knew this place existed,” she said in awe.
    “I was counting on that last night. It’s part of a new

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