Not a Second Chance

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Book: Not a Second Chance by Laura Jardine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Jardine
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    Sidney rubbed his eyes and looked at the alarm clock. Five thirty. Great. Why the hell couldn’t he sleep in? It was the weekend; he didn’t need to be at work by seven.
    He spent the next half hour hopelessly trying to fall back to sleep and hopelessly trying not to look at Allison. She was lying on her side, facing him, her black hair spread over the pillow. It was hard not to look at her when she was so gorgeous. And peaceful—unlike when she was awake. If she was awake, she was usually arguing with him.
    It hadn’t been like that at the beginning. Although they’d had many spirited discussions and disagreements, they never got pissed off at each other. But somehow, that had changed.
    He had no idea when she’d wake up. Back in the day, she used to wake up at a decent time on the weekend, and he was the one who’d sleep in until eleven or twelve. If they were at her place—which they usually were—she would’ve already gotten in a couple hours of studying by then. If they were at his place, she’d just let herself out, unless she had brought books with her.
    So he doubted she’d wake up too late. But it was only six—he probably still had a bit of time. Enough time to go to the twenty-four-hour grocery store and buy flour.
    Except…they were supposed to spend the entire weekend together. Would her friends consider this cheating? He didn’t think they’d care, though—she was sound asleep. He was quite sure Allison wouldn’t consider it cheating anyway, and she could decide what they told Kristy and Maya.
    Sidney couldn’t believe he’d agreed to this ridiculous arrangement.
    He got out of bed and found Allison’s keys by the door. Before he went out, he decided he’d better check what she had in the fridge. Perhaps he’d need to get eggs as well.
    He opened the fridge and saw…nothing. Upon closer inspection, he found mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise, and maple syrup. There was also a single carrot and a carton of soy milk at the very back. Hmm. Her cupboards weren’t quite so bare, and her freezer was full.
    It had been a long time since he’d poked around in a woman’s kitchen. Usually when he woke up early the morning after, he just left. Unless she woke up early too, and then they’d have sex again before he left.
    But Allison was—
    He shouldn’t think of Allison Wong as being different. She wasn’t. Except that they’d dated for a while back in school, and they had to spend the whole weekend together. Not that different, really.
    * * * *
    When he returned with a few bags of groceries, she still hadn’t gotten out of bed. He started the coffeemaker and tried to put everything he’d bought in the right place. Allison drank a lot of coffee—or at least she used to.
    By the time she emerged, the coffee was ready, and he was debating where to put the flour and baking powder. Next to the sugar, maybe.
    “Good morning.” She rubbed her eyes.
    Allison was wearing a large blue bathrobe and her hair was a mess, but she looked pretty good to him. The tie on her bathrobe was just begging to be undone. Maybe they’d actually manage to do it in the kitchen today.
    “Hey,” he said.
    She glanced around the kitchen. “You went shopping at seven in the morning? You didn’t need to.”
    “What else was I going to do? Plus you had no food.”
    “I have plenty of food in the freezer.”
    “That doesn’t count.”
    “It’s not food because it’s frozen? I hear there’s an advanced cooking technique called defrosting.”
    “So that’s what I missed by not getting two degrees in chemistry.”
    The morning was already off to a great start. And it wasn’t even eight.
    Allison walked over to the counter and picked up the baking powder. “What’s this for?”
    “When am I ever going to use it again?”
    “I don’t know, but maybe you could tell me which cupboard you want it in.” And maybe we could have sex instead of arguing about baking powder.
    She pointed to one with

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