Perversion Process
might call them all in here for a look at it in the flesh.‟
    He was playing with me; he knew exactly what he was doing. „Please …‟ I began, half playing along and half pleading that it had gone far enough. His big palm landed again, and then the back of his hand on the other side, and again, and again, until I cried out.
    He was slowing down now, caressing my bum gently and I was desperate for him to touch my pussy. I pushed back even further towards his hand and he pulled away.
    „I‟m not going to fuck you,‟ he said, mock harshly. „I don‟t go around breaking rules‟.
    „Please …‟ I started again, not even really sure what I was asking for. I wanted him to let me go, I wanted him to hit me again, I wanted him to fuck me. I didn‟t even know any more.
    His finger trailed lightly down the split in the panties, grazing my ass and just touching my pussy and I moaned loudly. My whole body was alive, my nipples begging to be let out of the dress and not be ignored any more, and 45

    my cunt was so wet it felt like there was a piece of silk between me and his finger.
    I tried to turn around to face him, wanting to get my dress off, and start fucking, but he pushed me back and a heavy smack landed again. He started a slow arrhythmic smacking again while his other hand probed the folds of my pussy. He found my clit and rubbed in little circles with his two fingers before dipping inside me. I tried to push back onto his hand, desperate to get those fingers further inside so I could ride his hand, but he pulled away and continued the infuriatingly gentle movements interspersed with occasional smacks. I lifted my head slightly to confront the image of myself, to remind me how I got here. I came hard looking at the filthy image of myself.
    I turned round, sweaty, spent and red- faced, and he was already walking away and busying himself back at his desk.
    „Scott …‟ I started.
    „That will be all.‟ He said. „But if I catch you doing anything like that again I‟ll …‟
    „Don‟t worry, you will.‟ I grinned, and he grinned back, before waving me out.
    And I did. And he did. Talk about having your cake and eating it.

    Spend or Save

by Heidi Champa

    I clicked my key in the lock, making sure that I made as little noise as possible. I hadn‟t expected him to be home already, and I knew, if he caught me, I would be in big trouble. Peaking around the door, I heard the familiar drone of the television from the den. Creeping along the hallway, keeping my shopping bags still, I made it to the bedroom without him seeing.
    I knew it was silly; sneaking around like a teenager.
    But, I also knew I was under strict orders not to buy any more shoes. Three new pairs now sat in front of me, next to two belts and a scarf I had splurged on that day. My resistance to the urge had been pathetic at best. Walking into that mall was a bad idea. I had let Becca talk me into a quick trip, just to browse. Somehow, I ended up the same place I always do. The shoe department. The one place I had promised Jake I would stay out of.
    Since we had agreed we wanted to move into a house, and get out of our crappy apartment, we had both decided to cut back. Jake had sacrificed his yearly trip to the lake with his buddies, along with a new MP3 player for his car. And I was to give up shopping for shoes. At first, I had done very well. I managed to go a whole month and a half without even looking at a new pair. But the draw of a sample sale pushed me over the edge. I still remember the 47

    rush of walking around the aisles, finding those sling backs in the perfect shade of blue, in the perfect size. And half price. I was in heaven. Three hours and four pairs later, I knew I had officially fallen off the wagon.
    I hadn‟t just broken my promise to Jake, I obliterated it. Shopping online at work was too easy, and the more I bought and got away with, the more I wanted. I had never been so obsessed with shoes until I wasn‟t allowed

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