Picture Perfect Love (Year Of Weddings 2 Book 7; Series Order 19) (Christian Romance)
fulfilling. Maybe he should start again.
    Rob led the group to the next element. He grabbed hold of a safety tether. “This final challenge is called On The Edge. Working together and pushing yourself is key to completing the task. Who’s ready?”
    Everyone, including Ash, raised hands. As soon as they took a break, he wanted to ask Rob to do a trust-building exercise with Jenna. One that might help Ash’s cause.
    He liked the changes in her. The Jenna he’d known went along with whatever he’d said. The new Jenna was stronger, more confident, and not afraid to put herself out there or say what was on her mind.
    Friends helped each other. He was going to do whatever he could for her.

    During a break from the ropes course, Jenna stood leaning against a tree trunk. The teens lounged on the grass and ate Popsicles. She glanced at Rob, the guide who’d worked with Ash’s group. “You want me to do what?”
    “The Trust Fall. You climb up on the platform and fall backwards.” He motioned to the adults. “They’ll catch you.”
    Sam would catch her. She had no doubt about him. Toby and the guides too. But Amber would be worried about breaking a fingernail. And Ash . . .
    No way.

    Jenna forced a lighthearted smile. That was better than a save-me-now-Jesus gasp she held back. She knew He was with her, but she didn’t feel up to this. “Let someone else have a go. I’ll catch them.”
    “You were picked.” Rob’s gaze narrowed. “Tell me what’s holding you back.”
    They would be here all day. “I’ve never done something like this.”
    That much was true, as were her reservations about Ash and Amber.
    “The kids will be doing the exercise next.” Rob lowered his voice. “Seeing you do this will help them overcome any fears or doubts they might have.”
    Why me? Why now? Jenna wasn’t sure she wanted to know the answer.
    “You haven’t backed down from any challenge.” Toby sat five feet away. Amber was at his side. The two had only been apart when they were with their respective groups.
    “Come on. Where’s your sense of adventure?” Amber asked.
    Could everyone hear this discussion?
    Ash gave Jenna an encouraging smile. “We’re not going to drop you.”
    If only she could believe him. But she didn’t. Uncertainty kept her from stepping forward. “Maybe not on purpose.”
    “Eight people are required to catch you. The chaperones, then guides will fill in.”
    Rob’s casual tone made this sound like no big deal. Maybe to him, but not to her. What he asked was huge.
    Teens and adults stared at Jenna like she was performingcenter stage at worship service. That was the last place anyone would find her. But backing down would have repercussions. Teens might say no when their turn came, and she didn’t want that to happen. She was, in a word, stuck.
    Her stomach sunk to her feet. Splat, how she would hit the ground if someone didn’t catch her.
    Jenna recognized the benefit of the Trust Fall. Her hesitation told her she needed to do this even if she didn’t want to.
    Slowing her breathing didn’t help calm her nerves. “You’ve done this before, right?”
    “Many times.” Rob’s smile didn’t waver. “This is a mental challenge, not a physical one. Walk by faith.”
    Jenna understood. She’d been living that way since she stumbled into Pastor Dan’s church that rainy afternoon. She trusted her group, aka the detention crew, to catch her more than Ash and Amber. Not that either would let something happen to Jenna on purpose, but subconsciously . . .
    Guilt coated her dry mouth. She shouldn’t think that.
    “Do it, do it,” the teens chanted.
    She looked at Sam. He winked, then grinned. Some friend he was.
    “I’ll be there to catch you.” Sam’s tongue was bright orange from eating a Popsicle. “No worries.”
    Easy for him to say. Her heart pounded like a timpani while her pulse resembled a snare roll.
    Ash walked toward her, his steps purposeful. “You can do this.”
    A lump

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