Picture Perfect Love (Year Of Weddings 2 Book 7; Series Order 19) (Christian Romance)
formed in her throat. “Not sure I can.”
    He stopped next to her, placed his mouth by her ear. His warm breath blew against her skin, soft like a caress. If she turned her face to the right, his mouth would be nearly touching her lips.
    Bad idea.
    “I won’t let you fall,” he whispered. “I promise.”
    Oh, how she wanted to believe him. She’d believed him before, only to be dropped by him in the worst possible way. In public, for all to witness. She’d survived that. She didn’t know if she could survive again.
    Jenna trembled, but she had to keep the youth group kids in mind. She’d worked with the teens and Sam for over a year. The program grew from the kids’ word of mouth. She couldn’t allow her fear to jeopardize Sam’s hard work.
    Ash’s gaze remained on her, a connection she wasn’t sure how to define. “Climb up there.”
    Praying for courage, she made her way to the four-foot-high platform and climbed the ladder. Her legs trembled with each rung. The kids applauded. On top, she gave a bow, but her insides twisted like curling ribbon on a gift.
    Logically the chances of being dropped were slim. The course elements they’d finished had been more challenging, yet doing the Trust Fall was taking every ounce of strength and courage she could muster.
    Ash took his place, crossed his arms with Sam’s. Toby did the same across from Amber. Pairs of guides stood on either side of the four.
    Rob hopped onto the platform. “See how they’ve made a canopy to catch you.”

    She nodded. Her voice would sound too shaky if she spoke.
    “Turn around,” Rob said.
    Her gaze lingered on Ash, then she turned.
    Rob gave her an I-know-you-can-do-this smile. “Now fall backwards.”
    Jenna tried to relax her tense muscles. She shook her hands, as if that would make any difference about being caught. And then she realized she had no reason to worry or be afraid.
    Knowing who had their arms crossed waiting for her to fall didn’t matter. She had nothing to fear. She trusted He would be there to catch her the way He had been so far.
    She closed her eyes, leaned back, and fell into the air.

Later that afternoon, Ash sat in a booth at a café in downtown Sweetwater. Empty plates once full of appetizers covered the table. He and Jenna sat on a bench seat opposite Toby and Amber. Sam had a date so he’d headed home, even though he, too, had been starving after the ropes course.
    Toby set his glass of iced tea on the table. “I’m never going to forget the look on Amber’s face when she realized she had to catch Jenna. Pure panic.”
    “Well, I honestly didn’t think you’d do it.” Amber studied her fingernails. “I was sure you’d back out at the last minute.”
    “That’s okay. I had doubts myself.” Jenna’s eyes shone brightly. “But I’m glad I went through with it.”
    The Trust Fall had been a struggle for her, but Ash couldn’t have been prouder of Jenna. He picked up his huckleberry lemonade, the café’s specialty. The condensation from the glass felt good against his palm after a hot day outside, working and playing.
    “Not as glad as Rob.” Ash laughed. “The guy was sweating bullets until you got on that platform.”
    Toby nodded. “Thought Rob might offer to do the fall himself, but Jenna’s group never had any doubt.”
    “Neither did I.” Ash hadn’t, even if she’d hesitated. Nothing wrong with taking her time. Made sense, given he and Amber had broken her trust and would be catching her. He understood her reservations.
    “Next time someone else can take the fall,” Jenna teased.
    Next time.
    The thought appealed to Ash. Getting outside, surrounded by trees and fresh air, was good for him. The course had challenged his muscles and his mind. Spending time with Jenna had been the best part, filling him with contentment and making him want more.
    “I’d do this again. Today has to be one of my most fun days in . . .” Ash did a quick calculation. The date was over two years

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