Planet of Pain
yourselves comfortable.’
    â€˜Not all of us are military,’ one woman said. ‘We don’t have to take orders from you.’
    â€˜You’d better,’ Reyes said, ‘if you want to survive this.’
    She led the three of them into the shower block, turned on all the showers, which were communal rather than separate cubicles, and beckoned them in close.
    â€˜I’m assuming this whole area is bugged,’ she said quietly. ‘If this water gimmick doesn’t fool the pickups, we’re screwed. And since we’re screwed anyway it’s a risk we’ll just have to take. Okay, introductions. I’m Major Nina Reyes, but you know that already. Weapons fire control is my field.’
    Each of the others said who they were and what they did.
    â€˜All three of you are pilots?’ Reyes said. ‘Jeez! And here was me worrying I might not have one . All we need now is a ship and we’re home free, right?’
    â€˜We looking to escape, major?’ Linda asked.
    â€˜Hell, yes. I don’t know about you but I signed up to kill Leaguers, not fuck them.’
    â€˜But…’ Jo stammered, ‘the sergeant said… anyone caught trying to escape would be sent to Paradise.’
    â€˜True,’ Major Reyes said solemnly. ‘So we’ll have to make damn sure we’re not caught, won’t we?’
Chapter 6
    â€˜We’ve just had word from Eridani’s , admiral,’ Sam said. ‘The refuelling is complete and they’re ready to depart on your command.’
    â€˜They have the female prisoners onboard?’
    â€˜Yes, sir: sixteen, including the scout ship crews. I’m sure our men are most appreciative.’
    â€˜And so they damn well should be.’
    Talmann had changed his orders regarding the disposition of the Alliance females, giving them over to his troops as a morale booster rather than keeping them for his own amusement. It was an act of unprecedented generosity on the admiral’s part, and not even Sam understood just how great a sacrifice he had made.
    Nielsen’s capture had changed everything, however. A major Alliance strike was imminent; they knew that from data found on the general. There would be precious little time for personal indulgences in the weeks and months ahead.
    â€˜Will you be inspecting the prisoners before they leave, admiral?’
    â€˜Probably not,’ Talmann said. ‘I doubt there’ll be time. I want to review the data before we continue Nielsen’s interrogation.’
    â€˜I think you might want to make time, sir. The computer just turned up this.’
    He handed Talmann a panel, which showed an extract from an Alliance personnel record. A single entry leapt out at him, and he became very still.
    â€˜You’ve verified this?’ he asked, his voice unnaturally quiet.
    â€˜Yes, sir.’
    Talmann handed the panel back. His magnanimous gesture was already paying dividends, clearly: the gods were showering blessings on him. ‘Have my launch readied immediately,’ he said.
    â€˜It’s at the port now, sir, fired up and waiting.’
    Physical contact between the two men was rare, and displays of affection on the admiral’s part even rarer, but Talmann beamed as he patted his young aide’s shoulder. ‘Sam, my boy,’ he said, ‘what would I do without you?’
    Jo and Bel were playing chess when Vaughan came into the dayroom and told them all to line up for an important announcement. ‘We will shortly receive a visit from Admiral Talmann,’ he said, ‘commander-in-chief of the Solar League fleet. This is a great honour, and I expect you to behave impeccably. Stand to attention when he comes in. If he asks you a question answer promptly, respectfully, and truthfully. Do not lie to the admiral. Ignoring this advice might well prove fatal.’
    Jo had heard of Talmann, who was said to be

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