Planet of Pain
betting a year’s pay Nina Reyes wants to come in at this point.’
    â€˜She does, sir,’ the major said. ‘I assume you’re serious about all this? Ten hours?’
    â€˜Relax, Reyes; it doesn’t mean they’ll ride you for ten hours straight. Unlike you they’ll be off-duty. They’ve still got to eat and sleep and take a crap and whatever, right?’
    Jo glanced at Bel, who looked thoughtful but not overly concerned. Most of the others were looking pretty apprehensive. Jo wasn’t feeling too happy herself, but she tried not to let it show. As they’d drummed into her at the Academy, officers were supposed to set a good example.
    â€˜Okay,’ Vaughan said, ‘this next item is important, so pay attention. There’s a copy of the rules posted in the dayroom – which is where we’re headed right after this briefing – and I strongly suggest you study it if you plan on keeping skin on your backsides. Break the rules and I’ll have you flogged. Floggings take place in public, and I absolutely guarantee you will not enjoy it one little bit.’
    He paused long enough to stare at each of them in turn, as though to reinforce the message.
    â€˜Ways you can screw up are as follows,’ he went on. ‘One: refuse to obey an order. Two: tamper with ship’s equipment. Three: strike any man onboard. Four: bite when you should be sucking. Do any of these things and I’ll have you flogged. These are just examples in no particular order; there are twenty-three altogether. The worst offence of all is trying to escape. For that you’ll be flogged first then shipped off to Paradise.’
    Jo gave an involuntary shudder. Horror stories about the League prison planet had circulated for years.
    â€˜Right,’ Vaughan said, ‘most of you are looking less than thrilled, but this doesn’t have to be a balls-up. If you obey the rules and do what you’re told – no arguments, no hesitation – we’ll all get along just fine. Any questions? Yes, Vesely?’
    â€˜When can we see the male prisoners, sir?’ she asked. ‘My husband, Benedikt—’
    â€˜Like I told you before,’ Vaughan said impatiently, ‘you can’t. The men have already been shipped out. Anyone else have a question?’
    â€˜But I have to—’
    â€˜Shut up, Vesely!’ he snapped. ‘Anyone else? No? Okay, let’s go take a look at your quarters.’
    Their new accommodation was basic but functional. The dayroom had chairs and couches enough for all of them, a couple of small, low tables and one long one, and a locker with chess and checkers sets. There was a big screen on one wall; right next to the notice board with the rules Vaughan had spoken of. At the back of the room doors led off to the dormitory, the mess, and the toilet/shower area.
    â€˜Any questions about any of this?’ the sergeant asked after they’d completed the tour.
    â€˜A request, sir,’ Nina Reyes said. ‘Two changes of clothes for every woman; hygiene products; food and drinks dispensers; exercise facilities; readers—’
    â€˜Write it down,’ he said. ‘I’ll see what I can do.’
    â€˜I haven’t finished, sir.’
    â€˜Write it all down. I’m not making any promises.’
    â€˜If we don’t get the clothing and the hygiene products, sir, I doubt your men will want to fuck us.’
    â€˜Don’t bet on it,’ he said. ‘After seven months, if it’s female and breathing these guys will hump it.’
    He left then, taking Sergeant Quinn with him, and the door slid across behind them. Nina Reyes waved her hand in front of the sensor, but the door stayed shut.
    â€˜Figures,’ she said. ‘How many officers do we have here?’ Bel, Jo and Linda Kepler all raised their hands. ‘Any of you outrank a major? No? Okay, follow me. The rest of you make

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