Poisonous Pleasure
happen between her and I that you might not like. Do you understand what I’m saying?”
    “Is this about sex?”
    For the first time Dominic didn’t come back with a smartass comment. “Yes, that’s exactly what I’m getting at. I don’t know what will happen because once her fangs pierce me, I won’t be able to stop.”
    Jason snorted. “You’re basically asking my permission to fuck my girlfriend, is that it? I see why your attitude changed.” Jason whispered the end, looking down.
    “Finally, someone with brains. Yes, I want to fuck your girlfriend, if it goes that far. Hell, be happy I asked. I could have killed you with my pinky finger back there in that pathetic thing you call a fight. If it wasn’t for Marcella, you wouldn’t be here.”
    “I’ll take my chances with her first. If she kills me, at least I know she didn’t fuck you.”
    Dominic laughed. “Oh, but she will, eventually. You see, with every species there’s a mate. It’s the reason I heard her call and I’ve been trying to deny it, but unfortunately, I can’t. As much as I don’t like the situation, well, you’re part of it, and this is where we’re all at. We’re going to have to learn to face our realities or we all have an eternity to be miserable with each other.
    “No, I refuse to believe you both are
. The two of you weren’t meant to be together, she and I are. She doesn’t deserve to be paired up with a bastard like you.”
    “I may not be my original self, but I can still hear you two. I think I’ll decide who I want to be with. Shit, it might not be either one of you. I’m glad we got our chance to repair where we left off last night, Jason, but relationship wise, I can’t trust you. You cheated, whether you remember it or not.”
    Marcella turned toward Dominic. “There’s some connection, but if you think I’m ready to call you my mate, you’re wrong. I want to hit you more than I want to kiss you. You’re attitude and cockiness are way too much. You’re a dick, and you piss me off.”
    Both men were quiet while Marcella began taking off her clothes. Strangely, in her vampire form, she wasn’t the least bit self conscious. She untied the halter top at her neck and back, letting the leather fall to the floor.
    “Marcy, what are you doing?” Jason asked, cautiously. The husky undertone didn’t slip her notice. The acceleration of his heart only drove her faster. She paused long enough to look at him and returned to taking off her pants.
    “I don’t know,” she confessed.
    Dominic turned to Jason. “She’s doing what’s in her nature as a vampire. They’re seducers. But this is nothing compared to what we have to face when her succubus comes. Good thing you’re changing over now. She’d kill you, for sure.”
    “Jason, come to me.”
    Instincts took over while Marcella studied her boyfriend’s chest. The muscle flexed as he walked forward. The definition made her mouth water. Her eyes stopped at the V resting just above the lining of his jeans. With her finger, she traced the indention, feeling herself become wet.
    “Take them off. I want to feel your body against mine.”
    Nervously, he looked over at Dominic. “Can’t we do this in a room somewhere where
won’t be watching?”
    “No, he needs to make sure I don’t kill you. Trust me,” she said, studying his rapidly beating pulse point in his neck. “He needs to stay. The intensity at which I want to taste your blood is making it hard for me not to attack you right now.”
    Tingly sensations shot through Marcella’s nipples. They painfully hardened while she stepped closer. Moving her fingers down to his jeans, she pulled the button free, sliding her hand against the hardness of his cock through the thick material.
    “Lay with me, Jason. Let me feel you touch me.”
    “Son of a bitch,” Dominic groaned, collapsing on the couch. “This isn’t fair, at all. I just get to watch while he has all the fun.”
    Ignoring him,

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