Poisonous Pleasure
    Before Marcella could grab Jason, he was already running toward Dominic. They both hit the floor hard in a flash of fists. Alarmed, she rushed forward, pulling at Dominic’s shirt. The material disintegrated beneath her fingers.
    “Both of you stop it!”
    Blood poured out of Dominic’s nose and flowed freely from Jason mouth. The smell hit Marcella like a title wave making her own blood pulse through her body at a speed guaranteed to make her heart explode. While they continued to wrestle on the ground, she consistently continued to try to pry them apart.
    Cobwebs manifested themselves at her feet, wrapping around her ankles while they inched upward. The fear she felt left her body shaking. Too many thoughts passed through her mind at what might be happening.
    Jason’s fist connected with the demon’s cheek only resulting in furthering the altercation. “Dom,” Marcella said, louder. “Dominic, something’s happening to me! The cobwebs are back. Am I dying? Am I going to disappear into a ghost again?”
    Both men froze and tripped over each other as they tried to make their way to her. Blood covered both of their bare chests. Seeing all the muscle smeared with dark crimson made it hard to concentrate. Instinctively, she wanted to lick it off. The thick feeling paused mid-thigh, as if to reconsider, but slowly inch its way back toward her stomach.
    “No, I don’t think you’re going to turn into a ghost, but you are going to turn into something. Shit. Tell me everything you feel.”
    Closing her eyes, she tried to pay attention to what her senses were telling her. “Blood, I smell both of your blood. The scent is so strong. My heart races when I think about it.”
    She opened her eyes in time to see Dominic smile. “Perfect, you’re changing into exactly what we need. Get ready to say goodbye to your life, Jason. You’re about to die. This is going to be so much fun to watch. Vampire, it is.”
    Marcella observed the tribal tattoos disappear from her arms while the cobwebs advanced toward her throat. Just the thought of not breathing again made her want to run away screaming. Would she ever get used to this new life?
    “Jason, I’m sorry.” The last of her words were muffled against the change. While the thick feeling filled the insides of her cheeks and eyes, fangs appear, only to retract. Air expanded her lungs once again as her eyes blurred over with a dark green color. They quickly corrected themselves while the sensation disappeared at the top of her head.
    “Amazing,” Jason whispered. “Did you see her eyes change from gold to dark green? How cool was that? And look at her, the tattoos are gone, but she still looks as flawless as before with rosy cheeks and red lips. I thought vampires were scary looking.”
    Marcella took a step, the smell of blood driving her forward. Dominic’s hand pressed between her breasts stopping her advance. She looked from his fingers, up his arm, and to the red smeared across his massive chest. Coherent thoughts wouldn’t focus. All she knew was blood, and finding a way to get what she wanted. The need to run her tongue across his defined muscle almost made it impossible not to launch herself at him.
    “Slow down, love.” His voice was softened as he cocked his head to the side and gave her a tender expression. “I know it’s hard for you to control right now. I didn’t expect this to be easy, but you need to think about loverboy. If you’re not careful, you’ll kill him. You need to feed from me first until you’re satisfied. Then you can bite him.”
    Marcella stared directly into Jason’s eyes while her thoughts cleared. Dom was right. She needed to learn to control the cravings. The last thing she wanted to live with was her boyfriend’s true death.
    “Jason, you need to understand what happens is nothing against you. This isn’t exactly Marcella right now. Well, it is, but when the bloodlust gets a hold of her, things will

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