Privilege  5 - Pure Sin

Privilege 5 - Pure Sin by Kate Brian

Book: Privilege 5 - Pure Sin by Kate Brian Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Brian
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Ariana knit her brow as she tilted her head to see the label. The prescription was issued by a Dr. Lance Montgomery. "Do you have a doctor in the family?" she asked, intrigued.

    "Nosy much?" Jasper teased. He tossed the pill in his mouth and swallowed it dry, then nodded casually in greeting to a pair of teachers who walked by them and into the building. "Yes, my cousin is a general practitioner, and he writes my allergy prescriptions for me."

    "That's convenient," Ariana said.

    "Beats having to find a local doctor who isn't a complete buffoon," Jasper said. As he tucked the bottle away, his cell phone beeped. He yanked it out of the side pocket on his messenger bag and rolled his eyes at the screen.

    "My mother again," he groused. "No, Mom, I do not know whether the sheets at the Ritz frickin' Carlton are Egyptian cotton or not!" He yelled into the phone, which was, of course, not connected to anything. He sighed and shoved it away again. Ariana laughed.

    "Your mother definitely sounds like a woman who knows what she wants," she said as she hugged her chemistry book to her chest.

    "Y she is," Jasper said. He shook his head in an exasperated but fond way. "Do you want to meet my parents this weekend, Miss Covington?"

    es, He asked, pushing himself away from the wall. "Because I'd love to introduce them to you."

    "Depends," she said, lifting a shoulder. She looked up at him through her thick lashes. "Will I like them?"

    Jasper grinned. "Most girls worry about whether the parents will like them."

    Ariana turned and opened the door to the dining hall. With one hand on the handle, she leaned toward him, her coat just brushing his.

    "First of all, your parents are not the parents to me. Palmer's parents are," Ariana teased. His face fell slightly, but then he tossed his head, flicking his bangs away from his eyes and coming back to himself. "And secondly," Ariana said, smiling, "I'm not most girls."

    Slowly, Jasper smiled back. Ariana walked into the dining hall ahead of him, and just before the door closed in his face, she heard him say under his breath, "No, you're not." "See, the problem with the Stone and Grave Ball is that you have to take a member of Stone and Grave," Maria said, lazily turning the page of last year's Atherton-Pryce Hall Golden, the slim hardcover yearbook. She was lying on her stomach on the floor of her and Lexa's room in a tank top and pajama pants, a bottle of sparkling water within reach. "It cuts down your potential dates by about seventy-five percent."

    "Ah, Maria. She can only do the heavy math if the topic is boys or sales," Lexa joked, leaning back on her pillows. She opened a Vogue magazine and started to page through it.

    Ariana laughed as she and Soomie leaned in toward the yearbook on either side of Maria. "What about Carlton Goff ?" Ariana suggested, looking over Maria's ponytail at Soomie. In his picture from the year prior, Carlton's now short hair was long around the ears, and he wore a serious expression. "He's kinda cute."

    "Ugh. Have you ever actually spoken to Carlton Goff ?" Soomie asked.

    Ariana shook her head. "Not really."

    Soomie leaned back on her hands, her long black hair dangling almost to the floor. "That boy is (A) condescending, (B) nasal, and (C) needs to buy stock in Listerine."

    "So true," Lexa confirmed with a wrinkle of her nose. She flipped a page and held up the perfume sample she found there for a sniff.

    "Ew. Then why did he get into Stone and Grave?" Ariana asked, reaching for her own bottle of water.

    "Legacy," the other three girls answered in unison.

    "Ah," Ariana replied knowingly.

    "Well, there has to be somebody in here Soomie can ask," Maria said, flipping to the next page.

    "Why are we all focused on Soomie, anyway? Don't you need a date too, Maria?" Lexa said, sitting up. She had torn out the perfume sample and was now swiping the scent strip across her wrists. "No offense," she added, nudging Soomie's back with her bare toe.


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