Purge (Death Crusaders Motorcycle Club)

Purge (Death Crusaders Motorcycle Club) by Sandy Kline

Book: Purge (Death Crusaders Motorcycle Club) by Sandy Kline Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandy Kline
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interrupt. “Why would
they care about outlaw bikers? That makes no sense.”
    “I’m getting there. It wasn’t
just bikers. They’re trying to pin the death of two cops on me too. As if there
are not enough bikers in jail to pin it on, they want me to take the fall for
how some things went down.”
    “I still don’t get why you’re
coming to me or why you think I can help. You do want my help right? That’s
what this is all about?”
    “It’s about Alex too.”
    I lunge for my purse. My hand
finds my gun surprisingly fast. I’m flat on my tummy when my hand grasps the
gun so as I pull it out of my purse I roll over to my back. Blade would be
proud of me right about now. In one fluid motion I bring the gun to bear on
Mark and I’m pulling the trigger. I know my aim is lousy but if I shoot every bullet
left I’ll probably hit something.
    Mark jumps back away from me
drawing his own weapon. I watch in terrifyingly slow motion as flames shoot out
at me from the barrel of his gun. Twice his weapon explodes in front of me. I
feel the searing heat of lead creasing the air too close to my head and right
shoulder. Mine just makes this awful metallic clicking sound. Something is
    I wait for a burst of
agonizing pain that should follow getting shot twice but it never comes. Mark
drops his gun and reaches the edge of the bed in three long strides. He leaps
across and lands to my right side as his hands grab my gun wrenching it
painfully from my fingers.
    “What the fuck?” He shouts
over my ringing ears. “What the fuck did you do that for you crazy bitch? You
tried to kill me!”
    “And you killed Alex!
Payback’s a bitch ain’t it?”
    “What? I didn’t kill Alex!
Are you fucking crazy?”
    “But you just said-”
    “I said they’re trying to pin
the death of a couple cops on me. Yes Alex is one but I did not kill her. I
know she was your best friend. I could no more do that than kill you.”
    “Oh you mean like you just
tried not five seconds ago?” I ask him.
    “That was my reflexes. You’re
lucky I am way out of practice and just knocked back a few or you’d be dead
right now.”
    “Shouldn’t we get out of
here? You just shot at me three times. The police are probably on their way by
    “Are your ears ringing?” He
asks me.
    “Actually no.”
    He holds up his weapon and
now it makes sense. “The department lets you use silencers?” I ask.
    “This ain’t my service
weapon. It’s untraceable and thankfully has this handy dandy silencer or yes,
the police would have already been here. It’s a good thing your safety was on
or we’d be in trouble even if you didn’t hit me.”
    “Yeah I guess I need to
practice a bit more before I try to shoot any more cops. Well, ex-cops right.
You are off the force now aren’t you?”
    “I’m on unpaid administrative
leave pending the outcome of the initial investigation. Well…that’s not
entirely true. Had I cooperated with IA and made all my appointments I would be
on suspension but since I disappeared into the wind I’m sure they just issued a
warrant and fired my ass.”
    “Why are they trying to pin
Alex’s death on you?”
    “They suspect I am a secret
Death Crusader and they want to pin something on me that will put me away
forever. They know the case they have against the person they did lock up for
her murder is under review and his new lawyer has filed an appeal. They really
need a fall guy now and that’s me.”
    “Why are you still here anyway?
When I left weren’t you trying to leave town with that blonde bimbo?”
    “The night you disappeared
into the wind I decided it was time to run. I knew you had the pictures and
when I figured out you kept a couple grand in the drug money I expected you would
go to the police so I had to step up the game and leave that night. We just had
to pick up our new papers first but we couldn’t do that until the morning. We
had planned to use the new documents to purchase plane tickets

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