Rebel's Bargain

Rebel's Bargain by Annie West Page B

Book: Rebel's Bargain by Annie West Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annie West
Tags: Fiction, Contemporary Romance
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something else he hadn’t said. ‘But surely—’
    ‘I take it this is our destination?’ Orsino nodded towards the window and Poppy recognised the tall gates barring the chateau from the public.
    A guard stepped forward and she wound down her window to greet him. Instantly he grinned, welcoming her effusively. Moments later the gates slid silently open.
    ‘Another of your many admirers?’ Orsino’s dark voice held a steely edge.
    Poppy gritted her teeth and reminded herself there was no point rising to the bait.
    ‘I have to work today.’ She’d already checked her messages and knew she had a full schedule. ‘But I’ll get you settled first.’
    ‘Sounds good. I’m looking forward to having you put me to bed and tuck me in.’
    She turned from the avenue of arching plane trees to stare at Orsino. His tone implied somethingfar too intimate. The way he sprawled in his corner of the seat, a complacent smile hovering at the corner of his mouth, made her stiffen. She opened her mouth then snapped it shut.
    Deliberately she looked away.
    The car crunched up the long driveway, out into the open between lawns, passing the converted stables and farm buildings on the right, heading straight for the chateau. It rose out of the river mist like something from a fairytale. Pale stone, round towers and surprisingly large windows. More palace than fortress.
    It stood framed by the deep russet of the late-autumn forest on the far bank, like a pearl against crimson velvet. From here you couldn’t see the length of the building, stretching back over the river on a series of arched supports.
    Poppy couldn’t prevent a smile. She loved this place, its romance, the delicacy and beauty of it. Its tranquillity was a balm after her hectic schedule.
    The car pulled up beside the round, free-standing tower a couple of hundred metres before the chateau. With its conical roof it looked like a setting for Rapunzel.
    ‘I’ll say this. Whoever chose the setting for your commercial knew what they were doing.’
    Poppy’s smile disappeared, her heart dipping. Orsino’s reaction would be completely different if he knew who’d organised this series of commercials.
    Even she’d had doubts about the job. Not for professionalreasons—it promised to be a huge success—but for purely personal ones. Ever since that night in London, Poppy hadn’t been able to work with Mischa. But she’d finally convinced herself it was time to let the past go. Besides, the income from this contract would give her the financial security that had been her goal for so long. She’d be a fool to pass up the opportunity.
    And, as she kept telling herself, the past was the past.
    ‘Poppy?’ Orsino’s voice dragged her into the present.
    ‘I’m glad you approve.’ She pushed open her door, not waiting for the chauffeur. The air was brisk and she shivered, telling herself the prickle up her back wasn’t a premonition of disaster.
    All too soon they and their luggage were inside, the driver gone.
    It was ridiculous to feel nervous, but Poppy was as edgy as a cat on hot sand.
    For the first time in five years she and Orsino were completely alone. At the hospital and on the plane there had always been the possibility of staff appearing. But here, in the luxuriously fitted tower, a completely separate building to the chateau and the other accommodation on the vast estate, there was just the two of them.
    A low whistle pierced the stillness. ‘This is really something.’
    Orsino moved to an open door leading to thebeautiful sitting room that looked over the formal rose garden and the river. He leaned on his stick, staring first at the view then the priceless renaissance paintwork on the high ceiling beams and down to the dark honey parquetry floor with its intricate weave pattern.
    ‘If it wasn’t so crass I’d ask who you had to sleep with to get this place to yourself.’
    Instantly the chill at Poppy’s spine turned to a shaft of ice that twisted and

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