Return to Celio

Return to Celio by Sasha Cain Page B

Book: Return to Celio by Sasha Cain Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sasha Cain
Tags: Romance
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shut as tightly as I could, I took a deep breath.
    Darrios took a step closer. He put his arms around me and held me, surprising me with the gesture. My eyes popped open and I gasped.
    “It’s all right, Maggie. It’s gone. I told you I wouldn’t let anything hurt you. I’ll keep you safe. I promise,” he said soothingly.
    Surprising myself, I returned his embrace, just hanging on. It felt so good to be comforted right then. Darrios seemed very open and genuine.
    “This is a nice change,” I heard myself say...out loud.
    “What’s that?” Darrios asked.
    I stiffened. “Nothing...I just’s nice of you to be so pleasant...and so tolerant of me,” I lied.
    He looked at me, puzzled, but released me and began walking again. What was wrong with me?
    So Gregg was a thoughtless, lying prick. So he was guarded with his feelings and unaffectionate. That did not give me the right to compare him to a man I hardly knew. I mentally told myself to get a grip. We walked in silence until I couldn't tolerate the quiet anymore.
    “So, I told you about my love life and let you point out all its shortcomings. What about you?” I asked.
    “What about me?”
    “Your love life?”
    “Don't have one. Never did.”
    “Oh, come on. It's not like you're a virgin.”
    “I didn't say that. I said I didn't have a love life.”
    “And you said you never did. That implies...”
    “I've had sex plenty of times, Maggie. I've just never been in love. Big difference.”
    “There's nothing wrong with having sex just because you want to have sex. It's healthy. It feels good.” Pulling me right up against him, he whispered huskily, “Haven't you ever just fucked someone for fun?”
    I sucked in a breath of air. “, I haven't. I couldn't.”
    He released me, laughing. He’d done that on purpose, just to throw me off balance.
    “You should try it sometime. It might loosen you up some, help you get over that tight-assed boyfriend and live a little.”
    I would have thrown a rock at him if I could've found one.
    “You were just messing with me,” I said, intending to sound indignant and not so shrill and girly. Damn him! Darrios chuckled again.
    “I'm sorry, Maggie, but I couldn't help it. The look on your face? It was priceless.”
    “You just surprised me a little, that's all.”
    Still smirking, he asked, “Was it the word ‘fuck’ or the fact that I used it as a verb?”
    Feeling flustered again, but determined not to show it, I boldly stretched the truth a little.
    “I’ve heard the word fuck a verb. I've even used it myself. I just wasn't expecting you to say it.”
    I heard how lame that sounded as soon as it came out of my mouth.
    He stepped toward me again. “Wow, now that is something I would love to have heard. Tell me what you said.”
    “Go ahead. How did you phrase it? Were you telling someone to get fucked or were you asking—”
    “Can we please just change the subject?” I shrieked.
    He chuckled again. God, he was infuriating. I knew he was trying to get under my skin, and damn him, it was working.
    Getting into my personal space and using that smoky, seductive voice like that rattled me far more than I was comfortable with.
    “I'm sorry, Maggie. I shouldn't have made fun of you. It's just you just don't seem the type of woman who uses that kind of language...especially in bed.”
    I stopped, placing my hands on my hips, glaring at him.
    “What's that supposed to mean?” I asked, not bothering to remove the snip from my voice.
    “It was a compliment. I just meant you seem more refined than that. You're a lady, not a whore.”
    “So, if a woman talks dirty in bed, you think that makes her a whore?”
    “No, I didn't say that. I was generalizing.”
    He came into my personal space again, giving me an entirely too sexy smile. “If you’d like to scream ‘fuck me’ in bed, I'd be delighted to listen, and I am certain you are anything but a

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