Return to Celio

Return to Celio by Sasha Cain

Book: Return to Celio by Sasha Cain Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sasha Cain
Tags: Romance
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settling into his new job. He thinks they’re insignificant.”
    Darrios pursed his lips and shook his head.
    “What now?” I asked.
    “Every time I ask you something about you, you tell me what Gregg thinks. What do you think? Do you ever get to have a say in any decision?”
    I started to react defensively, but then I stopped. I suddenly realized Darrios was right. “I guess I got so used to him making decisions and I got tired of arguing. I quit contributing an opinion, but that’s my own fault, not his.”
    “You’re right, it is. So why do you wanna stay with this guy?”
    “I don’t, especially now. I am done being so needy.”
    Darrios laughed out loud. “Ah, Maggie, I realize I’ve only known you a little while, but you seem anything but needy!”
    “ Looking back? I was. I gave up a lot for a man who turned out to be...well, definitely not what I thought he was.”
    “I think he wanted you to believe you couldn’t make it without him...because maybe he couldn’t make it without you...”
    “I don’t think so,” I snorted, “Gregg’s very...self-sufficient. I seriously doubt if he’s ever needed anybody. And if he did, he’d never admit it. But it is a nice thought.”
    “Don’t you think he’s worried about you?”
    “I’m sure he’s wondering where I am, but not because he’s concerned for my welfare. More like because I’m inconveniencing him. I’m sure, right now, he’s going over all the rational explanations for my disappearance that have nothing to do with him.”
    Darrios shook his head and then gave me that intense look again. “If I was him and you went missing, I wouldn’t give a damn about rational explanations. I’d be going crazy trying to find you!”
    His words sent little shocks firing off across the top of my head. I cleared my throat. “It doesn’t matter anyway. It’s not like he has any chance of finding me here,” I said quietly.
    We found a spot under a small tree with just enough shade for the two of us. We ate quickly and without talking. Darrios began glancing around again, making me nervous.
    “Why do you keep looking around like that? Like you’re expecting something to jump out at us?” I asked him.
    “I just don’t like being a sitting duck. I feel better when we’re moving,” he answered.
    I stood up. “Let’s go, then.”
    He got to his feet and put what was left of our meal in his pack. We both drank from the flask then continued on our journey. He assured me we were getting close.
    I could tell as I looked down at the rocky, sandy terrain. I found myself pleased to discover an increased number of trees. They were bigger than the ones we’d seen so far. Patchy little rugs of grass grew randomly about, but thickened as we moved forward. The air smelled, I don’t know, cleaner.
    I yelped in alarm as I watched what looked like a three-foot-long caterpillar drop from a tree and scurry after Darrios. Turning, he started to draw his knife until he saw the creature. He shoved the knife back in its case, placing his hands on his hips, smiling with relief. He reached into his pack, pulling out a piece of our lunch leftovers and tossing it to the animal.
    Its fuzzy purple body had yellow spots with no hair and springy antennae sprouted out the top of its head. It made me think of Alice in Wonderland. I stood staring as Darrios fed it while making clucking noises.
    “This is a ralapet, Maggie. He won’t hurt you. They’re just perpetually hungry is all. Do you want to feed him?”
    “No, that’s okay, you’re doing fine. It looks like a giant caterpillar.”
    “They’re very soft and cuddly. Go ahead, pet him.”
    “I don’t know...”
    “Watch.” He crouched down. The ralapet wormed its way over to Darrios.
    “Does it have feet?” I asked.
    “Yeah, about a hundred. You can’t see them because they’re covered in purple fur.” He stroked the ralapet with the back of his hand like you would a cat. “There you go,

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