Revolution (The Revelation Series Book 4)
but you’re not the one who gets to decide. Nor do you get to be mad, I do. I believe you have demon training to attend to. Consider yourself dismissed,” Asher growls.
    “Seriously? Can’t we get through one meal in this family without all the drama,” Abby complains under her breath. “It’s like Thanksgiving at every mealtime.”
    “Asher St. Michael, you did not just dismiss me like a servant, did you?” I ask and stand.
    “Shit.” Callan sighs. “The syrup isn’t even warm anymore and it’s sat so long, my powdered sugar has dissolved. Baby, they’re all ruining my breakfast,” he moans to Abby.
    In response, she offers a sympathetic look, taking his hand and stroking it in comfort.
    Asher stands and takes on his warrior pose. “I did. You. Are. Dismissed.”
    That’s it. The last of my resolve at his presence has snapped. “Fuck you, Asher.”
    Asher’s face morphs into a cocky expression. “Anytime, sweetheart.”
    Holy shit. He did not just use the nickname I hate. I’m just about to leap over the table and strangle the daylights out of his beautiful body when Callan stands abruptly and grabs at me.
    “Enough, cutie. This isn’t helping,” he whispers in my ear. “Your point has been made.”
    Asher and I just stand there seething at one another. Through my rapid breathing, I hear Abby’s sweet voice. “Eve, join me in the ladies room, won’t you?” she says before delicately placing her napkin on the table and yanking my arm in an unlady-like fashion, dragging me out of the dining area. Damn, she’s strong.
    Once in Marcus’s opulent bathroom, Abby shuts the door and runs a hand towel under cold water. When it’s sufficiently wet, she points for me to sit on the fancy bench Marcus uses more as décor than for its functionality and begins to dab my face with it.
    “What the hell is wrong with me? Why do I want to rip him apart and push him against the wall at the same time?” I pant. “And why the fuck is my skin burning up? Am I sick?”
    Abby just watches me in silence while continuing her attempt to cool me down.
    “Why are you staring at me like my head is about to spontaneously combust?” I ask.
    “You’re not going to like what I have to say,” she offers with a sympathetic look.
    “Just tell me, please,” I implore softly.
    “It’s possible that you might be in heat,” Abby says with a guarded expression.
    “Heat?” I repeat on a semi-screech. “Holy shit.” I drop my head into my hands.
    Abby gently removes my hands from my face and pins me with a pointed look. “If you didn’t stab and run, I could have better prepared you for this, Eve. I thought we were friends. Good friends. I thought you trusted me.”
    My features turn guilty. “We are and I do trust you, Abs, with my life. I love you.”
    Sitting next to me, she places her hand over mine. “You’re a newly bonded female with an alpha gargoyle mate. Even if you have yet to infuse your mate mark with his blood, you’re wired to him now, Eves. Fully.” She sighs and brushes my cheek with the back of her hand. “It’s probably why you have a constant blush and your skin feels like it’s on fire. You’re programmed to each other’s feelings. They bounce off one another, and elevate what the other is currently experiencing. It’s part of the bond, sweetie,” she explains.
    “I’m human. Is this normal?” I hold her sad gaze.
    “Yes and no. It’s normal, once mated, to be constantly aroused, share gifts, and be connected on a higher emotional level. The intensity of your connection though, is not typical for a human. But then again, you’re not just any ordinary human, are you?” She smiles brightly.
    “So you’re saying that for Asher and I, our feelings are feeding off one another, heightening our current emotional states?” I clarify.
    “Yes. This is why, in the Eternal Forest, when you tried to mind dig into his thoughts, he got so pissed. Sharing emotions and supernatural

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