Revolution (The Revelation Series Book 4)
connections are abilities that need to be mastered over time, slowly, because it’s overwhelming and connects you to your soul’s mate in a way that nothing else can. Do you understand?”
    “How do I make it stop? Or control it?” I wait for her to answer.
    The striking gargoyle tilts her head in judgment. “Infuse the mark with his blood and complete the bond. If not, with time, the bond will fade and so will the side effects.”
    I snort.
    Abby gives me a disapproving look. “It becomes more uncomfortable as time passes.”
    “You’ve seen us. We can’t even be in the same room together.” I groan. “He’s never going to forgive me. I’m going to be stuck as an animal…in heat no less. Awesome.”
    “Don’t insult,” she scolds. “You’re not an animal and neither are we. If you’re not going to finish the bond, I suggest some good old fashion sex.” She wiggles her eyebrows.
    I narrow my eyes at her. “What has gotten into you?”
    Abby offers a non-committal shrug. “Callan served espresso at breakfast and now I’m all wound up,” she answers in a jittery manner. “My caffeine tolerance level is kind of pathetic.”
    I play with the little threads on the wet hand towel. “What’s pathetic is being stuck in reverse with Asher. It feels like we’re back at square one and I can’t fix it.”
    Abby tosses her long red locks over her slender shoulders and drapes her arm around me.
    “You’re not stuck in reverse. Asher loves you.” I slide her a look of disbelief. “There’s nothing you could do that he wouldn’t forgive, Eve. We both know that. He just needs some time. After it happened, I promise he wasn’t this angry. The longer you stayed away, the more pissed off he got.”
    “I can’t take the deceit back. And now he’s in a constant state of pissed off,” I murmur.
    “He’s not mad at you for stabbing him, Eves. Ash’s hurt you left him after you promised you wouldn’t. With Gage no less. He’s upset that you didn’t trust he would take care of you. We’re gargoyles. We protect. It’s in our blood. It’s why we’re created and when you take that away from us, we’re left with nothing.” Her voice sounds gloomy.
    “That wasn’t my intention, Abby. I was just trying to protect him. The divination of redemption offered us a way to prevent the council and dark army from ever turning Asher into stone. Knowing he’d be safe…that you all would be while I took care of my mother was my only focus. I wasn’t thinking about consequences.”
    She bumps my shoulder playfully. “You’re eighteen, Eve. Stupid decisions are expected.”
    “Hey.” I shoot her a fake angry look.
    “We all get it. Each clan member within this family understands the reason behind your actions, including Asher. Some are just slower to overlook it.”
    I swallow. “How badly does Keegan want to kill me?”
    Her face drops and she starts biting her bottom lip. “I’m pretty sure the only reason you’re alive is because you’re Asher’s mate. Whatever progress you’ve made with Keegan, I’d consider it gone.”
    “Noted.” I nod.
    “On a positive note, no matter how much she pounces on you, McKenna is really proud of you and respects what you did,” she says cheerily.
    I pull my brows together. “Really?”
    “No. She’s going to rip your heart out at some point. My guess is in your sleep, and possibly with a spoon, although she was eyeing your fork at breakfast.” My mouth drops as I watch her. Abby just smiles brightly. “We should discuss a protection spell with Nassa.”
    “Might be smart,” I state calmly.
    “Want some advice?” she asks with caution lining her tone.
    “The best way to fix things with Asher is to not let him affect you.”
    “Easier said than done, Abby.”
    “I know.” She exhales. “He loves to get under your skin. Don’t let him. He’s poking at you to get a rise out of you because, like a child, even negative attention from you

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