Ride The Wind (Vincente 3)
get them both killed if he didn't curb it. "For
now, all you need to know is that we are leaving.
Grab that extra blanket. You'll need it for
    She blinked her eyes in revolt. "No, I won't!"
she declared, glaring at him. "It's filthy. I didn't
use it when it was offered to me by Sam, and I
won't use it now."
    His voice had an edge to it, and he cast her an
intolerant gaze. "That blanket is probably
cleaner than you are. You could do with a bath."
    She opened her mouth to protest and then
glanced down at the stained trousers; it was difficult to tell what color the shirt was. At the time
Sam had given them to her, her only concern
had been to discourage Eugene's attention.
"When they took me away, I wore only my nightgown. Sam let me have these."
    Seeing the fear in her eyes caused a painful
twist inside Reese. He had the strongest urge to
hold her until she lost the forlorn expressionto protect her with his last breath if he had to.
He wanted to assure her that everything was all
right, but he didn't dare-not yet. He moved to
the door and turned to her. "Grab that second
blanket. You're going to need it. We have to leave now because I want to put miles behind us
before sunup."

    Having no other choice in the matter, Saber
took the blanket and flung it over the one she'd
been wrapped in when the millers had kidnapped her. She followed the man out the door
and across the street, where he led her through
a narrow alley. Behind the old bank building
were two horses and a pack mule. Apparently
they had a long journey ahead of them if they
needed enough supplies for a pack mule.
    When the man came forward to help her
mount, Saber shoved him away and slid her foot
into the stirrup, hoisting herself into the saddle.
It gave her some small satisfaction that she
could make at least one decision for herself,
even if it was only a small one.
    As they rode away from the deserted town,
past the neglected graveyard, Saber shivered.
She had a feeling her destiny was tied to this
man's, although she didn't know why. She
weighed her chances of getting away from him,
but she remembered the six-gun he wore about
his waist, and the rifle he'd placed in his saddlebag within easy reach. He'd probably kill her before he'd let her escape.
    She huddled beneath the blankets while the
icy wind chilled her to the bone. She was more
frightened than ever. Closing her eyes, she wished her brother would find her. It didn't occur to Saber until later that she hadn't thought
of Matthew at all. Always in the past, when she
had been frightened, her mind reached out to
her brother, just like now.

    "Oh, Noble, come for me soon," she whispered. "I am so afraid."


Saber had no way to gauge how long they had
been riding. She had never been so cold and exhausted, and she could hardly stay upright in the
saddle. When the man finally stopped to rest the
horses, she wearily slid to the ground and almost
stumbled. Bracing her hand against the sturdy
bay, she drew from the animal's warmth and
strength. She wondered if she could jump back
on the horse and ride away. After all, she was a
good horsewoman, and his horse was as tired as
    The man who had caused her fear and weariness sat mounted on his great black horse, his
demeanor placid. It appeared that he was un aware of anything that went on around him
but she knew better. She knew he was aware of
everything and would spring to life if she made
an attempt to escape.

    Too afraid to let him see she had been contemplating escaping, she fixed her gaze on the rugged country ahead of them, wondering what
would happen to her at the end of this journey.
    It was sometime later that they stopped to
make camp. When he'd built a fire, she gravitated toward it. Going down on her knees, she
held her frozen hands to the flames. He'd been
right about the second blanket; she would have
frozen to death without it, but she'd never admit
it to him.

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