Ride The Wind (Vincente 3)
moved with such catlike quiet that she
hadn't heard him come up behind her, and
jumped when he spoke.
    "Are you hungry, Miss Vincente?"
    She shook her head, staring into his eyes with
amazement. He was a man of the land, and the
sky was reflected in those unusual silver eyes.
How could such a man be evil? Why did she
sense something strong and comforting and
protective about him?
    "If you aren't hungry, I suggest you get some
sleep. We'll be breaking camp before daylight.
We'll have a long day ahead of us tomorrow."
    She braced her back against a wide boulder and tightened the blanket about her, watching
him unsaddle the horses and lead them away to
be hobbled and fed. He was not at all what she'd
expected. He was strong, such a commanding
presence. Why would he hire others to kidnap a
woman if he wanted her. Something just didn't
fit. If he was of a mind to, he could crush her
with one hand, and yet so far he hadn't harmed
her at all. But neither had he been overly concerned about her comfort.

    Saber doubted she'd be able to close her eyes
for fear the man might pounce on her during the
night. But her eyelids were so heavy, and weariness took over. Her head fell to the side, and
she was instantly asleep. She did not know when
Reese covered her with his long coat, and she
was unaware that he slept lightly so he would
hear if anyone came up during the night.
    It seemed Saber had just closed her eyes when
the man nudged her awake with the tip of his
boot. "Time to ride, Miss Vincente. You have ten
minutes to do whatever women do to get ready."
    She came fully awake, scrambling to her feet.
"Where are you taking me?" With the dawning
of the new day, her fear had returned. Her
breasts were heaving, and she tightened her
hands into fists. "Tell me now, or you'll be
    He startled her when he chuckled and rubbed his cheek where she'd hit him when they'd first
met. "You pack quite a wallop, Miss Vincente,
but I wouldn't advise trying anything again.
Next time I might not be so forgiving."

    She folded her arms stubbornly across her
chest. "I'm not budging an inch until you tell me
what you are going to do with me. You can force
me to go with you because you are stronger than
I am, but I will never go willingly." Her eyes
snapped with anger, and her chin jutted out obstinately. "I am tired of men telling me what to
    His head swiveled in her direction, and there
was a scowl on his face. "You will do as I say,
and maybe just maybe -I can keep you alive.
As for not budging, you have little choice in the
matter. And as far as explaining my intentions
to you, that'll come when I think the time's
    She felt suddenly deflated. "Can't you just let
me go?"
    Without ceremony he reached for her, lifting
her over his shoulder and plopping her none too
gently onto the saddle. Then, wordlessly, he
mounted his horse, took up her reins, and
started out at a gallop.
    Saber was a good rider, but the rough terrain
made the going hard, and she was forced to hold
onto the saddle horn to keep from being un seated. She glared at the broad back of the man
in front of her. He was arrogant and so sure of
himself, and she wanted to fly off her horse and
scratch his eyes out. But she didn't dare. He was
a man to be feared, and she was certainly afraid

    He chose that moment to turn around and
motion her forward. "I want you next to me so
I can keep an eye on you."
    She opened her mouth to make an angry response, but the look he gave her silenced her,
and she did as he asked.
    After they had ridden awhile longer, Saber
took her courage in hand and said, "My brother
will hunt you down no matter where you go.
You'll be sorry you ever heard the Vincente
    "I'm already sorry." He gave her a dark look.
"As for your brother, should I be trembling in
my boots?"
    "My brother is a man to be reckoned with.
You had better fear him."
    His lip curled. "I've heard of Noble

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